In the eyes of a Victim

524 22 6

Grayson James Valley

Age 27


No current family

Occupation: Government

Aka... a Coatman

Grayson's POV

I hung up my lab coat and pulled on my jacket. Today was a fail as my blood covered uniform showed, but still I was able to implant the monitor chip in the boy's forehead. Now we'll know if it's possible to install a third eye on a human being. How exciting!

Let me explain my job. I am a scientist, inventor, doctor, and genius if I do say so myself. I work for the government in a top-secret lab. Here we experiment on kids. Yes I know, it sounds harsh and cruel. But just think! All of the possibilities, they're endless. And besides, who's going to miss a few little children? All they do is cry and scream, if they can't behave then why keep them around?

So we work on them to invent ways to enhance the human body functions. Things like the third eye for instance. We try to make humans stronger and faster, and we try to make humans... well... better! Now, I do admit, experiments do not always succeed. The child may become ill possibly die, but it's really a small price to pay! Don't you agree?

I got into my racer and drove off. She was a beautiful thing, with a black paint job and small white details. Hand painted. Half way through the ride I heard a loud pop. Then next thing I know my window shatters and glass rains down on me. My arm hit the steering wheel and the racer swerved, driving off the side of the road into a shallow ditch. The death trap on wheels did a few flips before landing upside down in a cloud of smoke. The flames engulfed me, and then, I saw her...

She cut the side of my racer, or what was left of it, into pieces and pulled me out onto the rocky ground. She trailed her blade down my back and I could feel it cutting into me. He voice was a soft teasing sound. But I could hear death and power behind it. Her tone seemed to scream danger, run!

But I couldn't.

I tried to get up but she kicked me down, she continued to speak. Naming the children I have killed and harmed. Telling me how disappointed she was. She asked me why. I didn't answer.

That seemed to anger her, for she lifted her dagger and sliced into my left upper shoulder. Hot red liquid trailed down my arm which felt as if it had been thrown into a fire. I tried again to get up but she just held me down. I was too weak to fight.

She asked once more, why? I said I had to, that I was payed to do it. It was the truth, though now it sounded as if it should have been a lie. She just laughed, and then she dumped a vile into my mouth, it felt like small pieces of paper, but I didn't ponder the idea. In a few moments darkness came. And I welcomed it. The last thing I saw was her red mask.

Scarlet Knife Takes Another

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