Chapter 15: Questions and Answers Part 2

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(Maria's POV)

I stumbled forward clumsily as I trailed behind Dr.Edwards, being harshly pulled by both of the guards. My lack of movement in the past few days caused me to struggle even with the simplest of tasks, such as walking. The corridor was eerily empty except for Dr. Edwards, her two bodyguards and me. The walls near the room I was kept in were covered in what looked like dried blood but as I passed door after door, corridor after corridor, the walls seemed cleaner. It was as if they purposefully kept us in inhumane conditions just to increase the already mentally scarring experience. I began to slowly regain feeling in my legs which meant that I found it a lot easier to walk, despite that, the guards' tortuously tight grip remained strong.

All of a sudden we stopped, Dr.Edwards had pulled out a key and opened a door nearby; both the guards shoved me brutally towards the entrance. Inside the cramped room was metal table with chairs on either side, and just above the table hung a swinging lamp. The room looked like it hadn't been used for a long time, which only further edged my curiosity. The guards dropped me into the chair painfully and tied my wrists in hand cuffs, which they then tied to the chair that I was occupying. Despite my many questions and protests their faces never showed an ounce of emotion. After finishing their task, they turned and stood guard by the door almost mechanically.

"Apologies for the restraints, however they are simply precautions for the safety of us both. Now you must have many questions but before you ask them, allow me to put your mind at ease. You will not be returning to the experimentation division. You may now speak." Dr.Edwards finally speaks after several minutes of silence. I didn't want to accept her 'permission' but I also didn't want to let go of an opportunity to finally get some answers.

"Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here? What do you people want from me? I haven't done anything wrong. So why don't you just let me go? I won't speak about this to anyone but please just let me go. Where's Aaron? Please let me speak to him. He'll tell you how this is all just a misunderstanding. Please just let me go home." After Dr. Edwards confirmed that I wouldn't go back to that treacherous room I was relieved however now that I could ask questions I couldn't stop myself no matter how hard I tried from blurting out my thoughts over the past few tormenting days. By the end of my little speech I was panting out of distress and had tears in my eyes that were threatening to escape, whereas Dr.Edwards remained the epitome of poise and elegance. Not a hair was out of place, her posture was perfect and radiated sophistication and not to mention the calm, collected smile that was sitting gracefully on her face that was beginning to unbelievably irritate me.

"Well I wasn't expecting that many questions but it is completely understandable...nonetheless I will answer as many of your questions as I can. As I stated before, my name is Celeste Edwards, and I am the head of the Experimentation Division here at the Angelica Surveillance Organisation base. We handle all the procedures included in the experimentation of Angelica who ar-Please listen to me before asking any more questions," Dr.Edwards puts up her hand sternly in order to stop me as I had just opened my mouth to speak. I sit dejectedly back down onto the chair as opposed to my previous position where my spine was rigid with anticipation at the thought of receiving answers; almost falling off the edge of the chair.

"Now as I was saying, Angelica are the species who humans have been sharing this world with for many millenniums now. No one knows how they came to be, maybe they came from another world or dimension but there is no proof to support these speculations. On the other hand we do have proof which shows that many religious believers have come to know them by the name of angels, as well as evidence to show that Angelicas were present through many historic events due to pieces of artwork which contain depictions of celestial beings, who are the 'guardian angels' and appear to those who 'truly believe'." Dr. Edwards lost her calm demeanour just for a second to reveal her utter disgust at what people believed these Angelicas to be.

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