Chapter 12: Family Reunion Part 2

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(Ava's POV)

I can see the stern look in my parents eyes dissolve quickly to just plain worry and love as they find out about Aaron's injuries. I walk up to Mum and tap her shoulder, she looks up at me but it takes a few seconds for recognition to show in her eyes. Her weary face tries to smile for my sake but couldn't quite manage it. However I return a gleaming smile as I tell her that Aaron is awake and can't wait to see them. Okay so maybe that wasn't the complete truth but it wasn't a complete lie either; I reason with my consciousness. Me and Mum decide to wait for Dad, and as soon as he's back we walk towards Aaron's ward. Mum and dad walk on each side of me and I cling onto their arms, more for their benefit than mine. Aaron's accident only happened a few days ago, despite that, the pain I've seen in my parents eyes is enough to make me lock up Aaron in a room where he can't get hurt just so I don't have to see them go through that agony again.

My parents try to pretend to be somewhat civil to each other around me even though I know more than anyone else about their damaged relationship. Aaron has the choice to leave and not return for months but I'm here watching the love between my parents crumbling to pieces. The love that I used to dream on experiencing one day. I tenderly squeeze both their arms as we reach the door to Aaron's room. They subtly give each other a look of reassurance, as if to say 'good luck', and take the leap of faith. I follow them inside the dimly lit room only to see my coward of a brother yet again pretending to be asleep. I let out an annoying sigh and start to go up to Aaron but my dad stops me by putting his arm out. He gives me a loving smile before grabbing my Mum's hand walking up to Aaron's bed.

"Hello sweetheart." My mum soothingly murmurs to Aaron while affectionately stroking his hair.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk to us, we completely understand, but if it's okay both your dad and I need to explain a few things to you." Mum continues her endearing gestures but Aaron shows no sign of awaking. Dad sits on the opposite side of Aaron and holds Aaron's hand silently, he's never been much of a talker but the tears in his eyes say it all. If Aaron doesn't wake up soon I might end up strangling him. Can't he tell how much Mum and Dad love him, how much they're worried for him? Just as my train of thought finishes I see Aaron's eyelids flickering open, revealing crystal tears in his eyes.

Both my parents sigh in relief followed by my mum breaking down in heart wrenching sobs, I walk up to her and hold her close just like she used to do for me when I was little. My Dad smiles thankfully at me, even now I can tell how much he hates it when mum cries.

"Mum...please stop crying. Please mum." Aaron says through uneven breaths as he is crying too.

"Okay...I'll stop. Only on one condition though. You have to promise me that you will listen to what me and your Dad have to say before asking any questions. Promise?" My mum manages to say through small hiccups and sobs.

"Okay, I promise." Aaron replies hesitantly, but with a reassuring smile directed towards me he seems much more confident about his decision. Mum and Dad share a cryptic look and Mum begins to talk.


(Maria's POV)

'Beep....beep...beep....beep...beep.' The monotone sound of machinery registers in my mind and is the first thing that I can think about. Suddenly my eyelids are pulled open harshly by force, followed by a bright light being shone straight into my line of sight. I try desperately to squirm away and close my eyelids but to no avail. After a while my eyelids are able to close, I still my body, to try and hear any sounds of people or even machinery around me however there is a sudden lack of any noise. Then I hear the faint click of a door locking, meaning the previous visitor had left. Cautiously I open my eyes and at first I can only see blurry shapes and swirling colours, that's until my brain focuses and I am able to see clearly. The room I'm in is something out of a gory, horror story. A complete absence of colour, no door or window in sight and thick metal restraints around both my ankles and wrists. Many different sized tubes surround the metal table I'm on, with some of the tubes attached to my neck. I try helplessly to move my neck but out of fear of making things worse I stop. Small trays on tables are placed by my side filled with scissors, tongs and some other contraptions that I can't name. I look down at myself to realise that i'm wearing a white gown that just about reaches my knees, allowing me to feel the cold metal underneath me, despite which I'm still numb.

The gash on my head feels sore due to the rigid metal I'm on, although the small cuts from glass shards still remain on my skin, albeit in better condition than before. The contrast of the horrific objects, furniture and machinery inside the room compared with the immaculate condition of the room itself does little to comfort me. An insignificant little item catches my eye as I'm observing my surroundings, a camera is perched near the right-hand corner of the room and I find myself staring at it, as if expecting a reaction.

Maybe I had spoke too soon, because not soon after, the click of a door opening resonates through the spacious room. Feeling dauntless I keep my eyes open but soon deduce how that was a decision I would later regret as a figure wearing some sort of hazmat suit enters and approaches the table I'm laid on. The wimp in me decides to resurface and I close my eyes tight even though I know that the person knows I'm awake. I feel rubber gloves on my skin and that feeling alone sickens me to my core. The person continues to poke and scrutinise my body but all I can do is stay still and pray for a miracle. Just a few days ago I was in my school bus, feeling ostracised but now I would give anything to go back to my apartment, or to Tim's Cafe, or anywhere but here. However that's all I can do now, pray and hope. Suddenly I think of Aaron, just the simple thought of him saving me is absurd beyond belief and leaves me feeling more alone and terrified than ever.

The stranger stops their probing but it's not long before I feel cold metal slicing through my previously wounded leg. Inexplicable pain shoots through every nerve in my body, but the figure doesn't stop there, they continue to cut through my flesh, tearing through my limb animalistically. My head spins from the pain and my blood-curdling screams fill the insipid room. The stranger doesn't hesitate once, with practised movements they prolong my torture. All of a sudden the agony stops only to be increased unimaginably. The stranger begins to pour acid-like liquid onto my open wound and a never ending fire spreads throughout my body like never before. This continues for much longer than my body can cope to and I feel myself falling into an abyss of darkness. The pain is present right until unconsciousness takes over my mind for which I could not be more thankful. One thing is for sure, no matter what, if I want to survive then I have to get out of here as fast as I can or god knows what they will do to me if I stay. That's my last coherent thought as I make my temporary escape from the laceration being inflicted on my body.


Hey, thanks for reading. For the next update the votes target is 170 and the comments target is 85.

I'd also like to say thank you to the readers who have stayed reading my story despite my irregular updates. It's because of you guys that I wrote this story in the first place. ^_^

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