Chapter 18

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(Aaron's POV continued)

Recap: Thankfully neither of them followed, they knew that nothing that they had to say would change my perspective on Maria's death. I had to stop this and I had to talk to my parents. They were trying to tell me something before it happened which meant that they knew about what was going to happen to her, yet they let it happen. Not to mention that they tried to stop me from finding out about it. I feel betrayed but it only lasts a second because not too long after, I'm storming through the corridors towards my parents office.

As I angrily steer my way through the crowd towards my parents office I begin to realize just how badly I injured my hands. The stinging begins to get worse with every step I take as the numbness fades away. However I continue. Nothing could stop me now from getting the answers I needed. During my conversation with Mum and Dad earlier that week, I had discovered that they were the ones who sent agents to capture Tim and as he refused to help them, he was murdered. Paul had been in contact with Tim and knew of Maria's half-angel form but was against the methods of ASO and so refused to report it. Due to this my parents forgot about his loyalty to them and the organisation for as long as I can remember and punish him regardless. They told me he was shot whilst he resisted arrest and that it was an accident but if I know anything about my parents its that they are great at what they do. If Paul was a liability to their cause then he had to be taken care of. The memories of all the times Paul had been helping me survive at the ASO academy now resurface, I still wasn't over the fact that he was dead. Just like that.

I see the familiar rusty black door to my parents office and stop right in front of it. Now that I was standing here waiting to talk to them I felt overwhelmed with hurt , from my commanders death and Maria's murder but also from the actions of my parents. Taking a deep breath to collect my thoughts, I swipe my ID card in the dimly lit slot. The red light beeps loudly and flickers to a bright green. I push the door as hard as I can, and even with the disadvantage of my injured hands, the door swings open violently. The loud thud immediately got the attention of both my parents.

"Aaron? What do you think you're doing? You can't just-", Dad started to exclaim and before he could finish, Mum interrupted him.

"Its okay Daniel, he has every right to be angry with us." Mum said, her voice full of remorse.

"Damn right I do. Not only have you been lying to me my entire life, now you've killed an innocent girl who had done nothing wrong. The fact that she is half-angel doesn't mean she should be brought here, tortured mercilessly and then killed. You even killed the only family she had in this world before observing her, like you have taught us to do on any mission. What happened to your so called protocol? Why wasn't she put under surveillance like the rest of them?!", throughout my entire screaming rant Dad began to stand perhaps to contain me but Mum looked me straight in the eyes with an apologetic expression.

"Aaron please let me explain. I am so sorry about how things turned out, we never intended to hurt you. We didn't even know you were in that car with her or we would have never have sent that team after her.", Mum pleaded, beginning to walk around her desk and towards me.

"That was you? You wanted that car crash to happen? And even now neither of you care what has happened to her, you're just sorry that I found out. What was it you said Dad? That Mum wanted me to see her being tortured, how do you plan to explain that? Huh? In fact why should I even believe anything you say if you have lied to me about everything else?", I shout backing away from both of them, no matter how much I tried to keep calm, my anger got the better of me.

"We had absolutely no idea that Paul had called you or that she wasn't a danger to civilians. All we knew was that Paul had been consorting with Angelica and that he was hiding a half-angel and we had to get her before she had the chance to run away. The only reason we caused that crash was so that we would injure her in the process which would make it easier to detain her. The information we have of half-angels is close to nothing. We have to get as much knowledge about them as possible, who knows, they could be our way of fighting the Angelica?", Dad had walked over to stand beside Mum whilst he tried to persuade me that what they did to Maria was necessary. I wasn't convinced. I couldn't believe how the one thing that they had agreed on in months was this.

"No way, don't give me that whole 'for the greater good' speech. Nothing you say will make me agree with you. Is this really the sort of organisation you want to run? One that Ava will soon be joining, or did you forget that? As for Paul, I'm proud to call him my mentor, because he is the only one who seems to have done anything to save innocent lives by protecting Maria from you for this long." I replied in a loathing tone. My fists clenched in anger and blood began to drip onto the floor.

"Oh my god, Daniel his hands! What have you done to yourself?"Mum rushed towards me wanting to help, but I took several steps away moving my hands out of her reach.

"I don't want your help." I snapped bitterly. Looking at my Dad with a stony glare I turned and left their office without a single glance. I was going to make sure Maria's death wasn't in vain, if it's the last thing I do.

Hello!! Yeah I know this is really short and the next update will be longer but for now I wanted to post something for you guys. Hope you liked this update and my story so far. Please comment and vote if you did or if you didn't then please give me feedback on how to improve. Bye!!

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