Chapter 19

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Narrator POV

Nick and Myles watched with worry as Aaron storms off, just after seeing Maria being tortured and punching the wall in rage. They knew he had to have time to himself but being his best friends since they were toddlers meant they also knew how he doesn't think clearly when he's angry. Myles began inching towards the door but Nick stopped him with an outstretched arm.

"Let him go, he needs to be alone right now. Besides we've got a slightly more important task to complete." Nick murmured in a hushed tone, well aware of the suspicious glares they were receiving.

"Like what?" Myles whispered. In response Nick simply gestured towards the door. Both began walking out, keeping a steady pace so as to not raise any more attention to themselves. Once they were outside and a safe distance away, Nick explained his plan to Myles.

"We have to go see what they were trying to do to her," Nick replied in a hushed tone.

"Well why does it matter now that she is dead? Clearly whatever they were trying to do didn't work because if killing her was the purpose then why was the audience necessary?" Myles inquired.

"Exactly, that's what we need to find out. You know Aaron is not going to let this go so we may as well show him we're on his side by finding out some answers." Nick looked around nervously.

"Let's start by asking around for doctors who were in the experimental division consistently for the past couple of days. Dr.Edwards wouldn't have risked showing too many faces to an unknown hostile." Nick explained whilst walking ahead of Myles, leading them both to their destination.

"Woah that actually makes sense, but shouldn't we also see if Aaron's okay before going on a secret mission for him?" just as Myles said this Nick stopped in his tracks with a look of disbelief.

"Oh yeah, that's probably a good idea...see that's why I'm friends with you", Nick joked trying subtly to cover his plan's massive flaw.

Myles laughed at his very obvious attempt to steer the conversation away from his mistake but said nothing. "Come on then Warren let's check the medical bay first, that stupid punch of his to the wall definitely broke some bones." Nick hums in agreement and they both set off to see Aaron.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aaron's POV

Still reeling from the conversation with my parents I began heading off in random directions, simply trying to outrun my own thoughts; unsuccessfully that is. Until finally the pain in my hands became unbearable, forcing me to head to the medical bay. Still, my thoughts invaded my brain over anything else.

How could they think what they're doing is right in any way? Helping rid the world of predators whose prey are innocent lives maybe, but killing innocent lives in hope of perhaps gaining a slither of advantage on said, that is simply inhumane. What had Maria ever done to deserve that? She was innocent...she shouldn't have died...not because of my stupid mistakes.

Right as that thought enters my mind I reach the front door to the infirmary. Inside sat a surly looking woman behind a desk, who I had seen before but couldn't possibly remember the name of at a time like this. "Excuse me? Are any doctors free right now to see me? I seem to have had an accident..." I raise my injured hands covered in dried blood above the desk so she can see. Her face remains emotionless as if just before me a headless man had walked in and now nothing could surprise her. "Dr Taylor is free, just head to the third door on your right." she answered in a gruff manner and nodded sternly to the door she implied. "Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2017 ⏰

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