Chapter 6: Unsettling Discoveries

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A/N: Hey everyone! This authors note will unfortunately be a long one but its pretty important.

Recently i've been getting several messages about how i'm basically copying the plot from Angel by L.A Weatherly and well the truth is...that book was the inspiration. And if some of you felt that I was stealing the ideas from there, I'm sorry. I might just make this story a sort of tribute to Angel. If that's what you guys want then please message me about it.

To be honest though, I haven't used any ideas from Angel, so far. On the other hand, in the future I might, due to the fact that if I didn't my story would not continue.

The bottom line is, I just wanted to clear the confusion some of my readers are having or will have in my next chapters and to also tell you guys that I won't just copy the plot of Angel. Some of the plot may seem similar as well as some pointers however overall it will be pretty different.

On a good note............. I HAVE MORE THAN 200 VIEWS!!!!!

I can't begin to tell you how shocked I am that people have actually took the time to read something out of my imagination. That might seem a bit stupid to all those Wattpaders out there who are used to this, but to someone like means a lot. So Thank you so much!!!! ;p

Now here's my latest Chapter!!!!


(A Third Person's POV [sort of a narrator])

After waiting on Maria's black leather couch for several hours, for her to wake up, Aaron decided to get up and do something, instead of letting his thoughts swarm his mind completely. He was too exhausted from constantly having to plan his every move and trying to decipher clue after clue. So he decided to do the one thing that always seemed to calm his nerves and help him relieve his stress. Cooking.

Ever since he was young and his parents had drifted apart he had become quite...alone. Not many of the kids in the ASO training academy ever really talked to him. One day he had wandered off to a unknown corridor, which was where the kitchens were. Aaron found the kitchens empty and just started making some pancakes for himself. His mother and him used to make pancakes every morning, so he knew how to.

That was before the whole...killing another species and fighting in a war....happened.

Even now he still found peace in cooking, even if it's not for himself. Even if that person is a complete stranger, who's flat you are in. Aaron did have a hard time time finding all the ingredients to make anything edible, but eventually he ended up chopping some vegetables and fell into a tranquil stupor.

The sound of the bubbling vegetables boiling in the saucepan fell on deaf ears, as Aaron had once again become enveloped in a very contradicting argument with his inner conscience.


What the hell do I say when she wakes up?

How about Hi, I'm the guy who saw your close friend get shot in the head, oh and I pretended to be him so that I could kidnap you and bring you back to your flat.

No!! I can't say that, she'd hate me. Hold on, why do I care if she hates me?

Wait if she hates me then she won't give me any answers and I'll just be back to square one..again. No I have to make sure she doesn't hate me.

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