Chapter 14: Questions and Answers Part 1

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(Aaron's POV)

Finally after hours and hours of pointless inquiries about my health, I was let out of the Medical Wing. My first thought was where they could have possibly kept Maria but I knew I couldn't do it on my own. Maria was half-angel and that's why she was being held here. Mum and Dad think half-angels could be vital in the the fight against the Angelica. As I was walking back to my old dorm an uncontrollable feeling of nostalgia hits me, the people who I hadn't seen for years were walking past me once again. Some smiled politely, others waved hello, a few even said a greeting, but only one came and captured me in a friendly hug.

"How long have you been back?!", exclaimed an out of breath voice as my vision adjusted to the sight of a familiar blonde.

"I missed you too Nick." I replied with a chuckle, patting his back as I hugged him.

"Nicholas Charles Warren!! What have I told you about running in the corridors?" An angry voice shouted. Nick cringed out of both annoyance and fear.

"Hey Myles. I see you haven't changed a bit, how's Mrs Atkinson?" I enquire before he even has the chance to scold Nick because every soul on the base knows of their legendary quarrels.

"Aaron? I didn't even see you there, and yeah Mum's good, she asks about you though. How have you been?" Myles's anger dissipates almost instantly as he pushes up his thick, black rimmed glasses and flicks his jet black hair out of his eyes, despite that I can still see Nick subtly edging away from him.

"I've actually been here for a week or so, I was in a bit of an accident, but nothing to worry about. How have you two been?" I quickly change the subject from my accident however I can see Nick will most definitely ask about it when Myles isn't there. Myles is much easier to trick.

"Oh nothing much, except for Nick here being an absolute ignoramus, oh and we both finished our training. We can finally get out of here." He says with a look of relief on his face. Since my parents were in charge of ASO, I was able to go on missions a year earlier, although my test scores did help. My friends on the other hand weren't so fortunate or as good at tests. This was both good news and bad news. Since they had both turned 18, it mean that they were aware of what ASO are doing and what the Angelica are capable of but it also meant that they both agreed with what we were doing in ASO.

"How is it out there? Is it just like they tell us? Or is it worse?" Nick curiously asks.

"I will answer all your questions and anything else you want to know but first can we please go somewhere less...public? I need to talk to you guys about something." I request as I notice an audience collecting around us.

They share a look which I can't decipher, after which they nod in my direction and we begin to walk towards our shared dorm. I couldn't even imagine what their reaction would be to my situation but I had to tell someone or I might just lose grip on reality itself.

Nick was laying on his top bunk facing the ceiling with a look of absolute disbelief on his face and Myles had been pacing restlessly for the past hour whilst I was sat on the spare bed in the corner, looking at a very 'interesting' patch of paint on the wall.I knew that at least one of them would figure it out sooner or later.

"You can't!!" Shouted Nick as he flung himself off the top bunk to land in front of me with frustration as clear as day on his face.

"Can't what?" I answered, pretending to be oblivious. Even though I knew exactly 'what'.

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