White Chaple

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I'm not originally from Canada I'm from the US. The reason I even came to white chaple was because my mom got a job here. Now normally I would be conserned why mom would move us to another country for a teaching job until I saw the money she would be payed. They must have been pretty desperate for a teacher cause dang.

"y/n wake up your brother I need help moving the couch." My mom said lifting a side off the ground, "Hey big head wake up" I say shaking him. " chill geez I'm up!" I would say he woke up on the wrong side of the bed but he's almost always grumpy. I grab a box of my clothes and go to claim a room first. As soon as I get into the house I'm mind blown. After living in a apartment so long it's a major upgrade. I head up stairs and look into each room. I claim one with a window to the roof and a easy detachable screen.

After moving most of the boxes I see a scrawny brunette come out of the house across the street. " I'm hi my names Ethan my dad asked if you guys would want to come to a neighborhood barbecue since your new." He says not making eye contact with my mom. " Oh thanks for the invitation sweetie, you know you're about my daughters age." My mom said looking straight at me I pretend to be moving more stuff to avoid being introduced. It's not like I don't like him, I just don't want to talk. After mom talks about every subject ever I introduced myself and shake his hand, weirdly he freezes up and just stares at me. It starts to freak me out so I go to shake him. Before I do he snaps out of it and almost runs back to his house. "That was really weird?" I turn to my mom, "Maybe he likes you?" my mom brings up the idea. "Nah more like scared of me!"


My dad told me to go invite the new neighbors to a barbecue so I walk over to the house. As I walk I see a girl about my age, she will probably be popular in school because of her looks she is very pretty maybe as pretty as Erica. (whole mom conversation) As I go to shake her hand I get a vision of her and Benny, then I see a flash of green and yellow light, then a yellow ring and a green book with golden words that say "sol puella". I snap back to see her hands on my shoulders. I quickly walk back to my house to tell Benny what happened.

"Are you sure you had a vision about her and me?" Benny questioned "yes I'm sure now help me figure out what it means!" I whisper scream, " Does that mean I have a chance with her?!" Benny says smiling "nah you stand no chance anyway help!" "OK the words on the book are Latin something like sun girl?" "sun girl?" "ya just said that and I think the ring might hold some sort of power." " well why were you in my vision?" "don't know but we can ask my grandma!"

I started to Unpack and put away my clothes. As I put away a dress I saw lines in the floor wood. I realized it was a hidden compartment. I opened it to see a green book with the words "sol puella" in gold. I closed the compartment because I wanted to finish unpacking.

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