ive just seen a face

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She hasn't really left my mind since the first time I saw her. She has a face you can't forget. I'm really losing chances with her because rory and benny have seem to have followed her every more. The today rory was talking to her all morning and then when lunch hit benny wouldn't let me or rory get a word in. I wonder how they have so much to say. When ever I talk to her I stumble on my words. Wait, I don't think either of them have her number yet. This is my chance. "Hey y/n I need your number." Dang it whyd I say need. I sound desperate. I mean I am but still. "Ya sure what ya need it for?" "But we'll just incase something weird happens again." OK ya good save. She doesn't say anything else just takes my phone and puts her number in. She smiles before walking away. "Where are you going?" I ask, "Home, schools over you coming?" She said with a smile and continued walking I caught up to her and smiled back. One our way home a car stopped and she grabbed my hand then ran across the street. I think my soul fell out my body. We got to our street and she let go and walked to her house. Only then did I realize we were still holding hands. When I got home I went straight to my room to get flustered. She is some one I want to be with.

teen witch Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ