Do you believe in magic

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Benny's pov
Man where do I start. Other than y/n being a total babe she's one of the nicest people you'll meet. I mean I haven't seen her be annoyed with rory even once. Which is something I'm concerned about. I like does she like him or something? Whatever I start to get ready for school. As I get there she's already talking to rory ugh. I never really get the chance to make a move because if she's not talking to rory Ethan needs to ask her something. And after  that she's being followed around by almost the entire populous of our school. As I was sitting at lunch I saw her walk in with rory. But when she sat down I got to talking. Almost all of lunch I got a conversation just between me and her. The other boys look pretty annoyed. I learned even more about her like how she was from the U.S, her favorite artists, and all 53 of her hobbies.  Man she enjoys a lot of things I should've brought a pen and paper. I can't but think she would look perfect in my arms. But then again she looks so good with literally everyone.

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