in the woods

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Benny's povs

Great I think I'm lost. Ethan sounded scared I wonder if something happened to him. Whatever keep walking and you'll find something. I went left and saw a light coming from inside. I as careful as I can sneak closer to it. Is that y/n? I was suddenly grabbed by something. Oh its just Ethan. "What is she doing?" I ask "Digging in the spot the light marks for something?" She stops digging and pulls something from the ground. A ring I think. She suddenly falls to the ground.

I wake wake cold outside on the forest floor. Benny and Ethan around me. "What happened?" I wine as my head pounds. "What do you mean we followed you here." Benny looks at me. "I don't remember coming here." I answer ,"Maybe we should talk to grandma again." Ethan suggested," I'm tired I'm going back to bed.

After they walked me home I noticed a gold ring in my pocket. Weird I guess.

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