Getting used to it.

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          May, 19, 1985

Getting used to being in the Mafia is hard, the "government" is putting a bounty on you since some group got power own everyone for something they discovered..So now your on the run with your friends and the rest of the gang, one moment your chilling and relaxing and the next moment a hitman comes in guns blazing, either way it's been good, I guess..                                         We were all eating breakfast that Vox made and chatting until there was a ring on your phone, you checked it out and found out that it was Luca, he wanted you to come to his place because he has a mission for you, you told Vox to drive you there as you said the address of the place again number by number, when you finally reached the place he showed you what he wanted you to do, he showed you a group of people who stole from him, there group was called Obsydia. The thought of the you fighting a group of people made you smile with joy, It's my pleasure to help my Boss... 

"That's great.."

      Y/N's POV

I followed the tracker to Obsydia's location, with a gun in hand with five bullets, the location of there group was in a dark forest with nothing that important..Then I saw a big building with signs everywhere seeming that they have been warning signs for intruders. Then a trip wire was heard, you looked down jumping out of the way while spikes came out from bellow, then a vine came out of the ground catching me off guard. The vine griped onto my hand making me drop my gun, I used my pocket knife, cutting the vine off of my injured hand, there were more vines coming out of the ground but I ran through it until I reached the entrance there was a little girl standing there watching me. She told me to go away and to never come back, but I told them there's something you need to ask her, she ask what it was, I asked why you stole from my boss/Luca, she didn't speak a word but then someone walked behind the little girl with purple hair, they both looked at each other and looked back at me, Until.. both of them threw a Fucking knife at me while not speaking. I simply just jumped over one of them and you grabbed the other one in mid air, vines came through the floor faster then ever breaking through everything in there path, I found a back door leading to the kitchen.

You went into the door with caution, you see a girl with pink hair somehow controlling the vines. She said something that sent shivers down your spine. "You know that I can see you.." You shot two bullets at the dam, one of them hit her vines and the other one missed hitting a window alerting the others there's an intruder in the house. You could hear them all running towards you and the vines twisting noises getting closer and closer as you try to get what you were sent to get, You then saw a duffel bag on a counter top sitting there, you grabbed it by the string and ran off shooting three bullets on your way out, hitting all of the vines. You then ran back to Vox's car holding the duffel bag and yelling for him to start the car and go, they were getting closer, you yelled for Vox to start it faster. were off to your Bosses place.

      May, 19, 1985

You arrived at Bosses base and you walked through the door exhausted, he was surprised you came in one piece, Obsydia is known for tearing people apart with force when they don't get what they desire..The pink haired girl named Rosemi, she can tear apart people with her vines or spike people with her thorns, the little girl with dark hair is Petra, she acts all innocent and sweet, but for people who know her knows she's deadly, the purple haired girl is Selen, she's a sky dragon descended from the moon she is the half sister of Elira Pendora, her left hand is part dragon, so if she grips you with her left hand..then your done...                                                                     You handed Luca the duffel bag full of his treasure and gold with the image in mind of what the group of girls can do. Luca smiled with joy as he opened the duffel bag full of his lost gems and gold, he tossed a handful of valuables in your hands as he slowly got off his chair, he patted you on the shoulder as a sign of his gratitude, and you here thought all mafia bosses didn't care for there subordinates..You and Vox went home with a bag full of gems and gold, What a day..

      May, 20, 1985

Everyone wakes up screaming, Vox is yelling at Mysta for his stupidity, Shu being Shu, I on the other hand...I'm scaring the Shit out of everyone, what I mean is that whenever someone makes me mad..We'll.. there Fucked there gonna Fucking die, like they wouldn't know what hit them..well it's a punch in the face of maybe a swing of the bat, if they really Piss me off then...It's going to the Knife...yup straight to the Knife...Anyways..Luca has been making me go off on more missions for things he can't do which kinda Pisses me off but..HE'S SO DAMN CUTE. Like I can't do anything but say yes..and that's a problem..There's many things he made me done that could cause death, like when he wanted me to steal from the so called "governor," I..Nearly got out with my life..Oh ya and Luca's "sister" Lucy, she sleeps like eighteen hours a day or so..She comes out once in a while, oh wait Shu's calling me wait a second Mysta..                                        Shu! what did you wan- Y/N's voice fades away as Mysta was... "Staying" inside of Y/N's room.

"MMHMMHMMM!!* "Mysta's muffled voice said"

Everyone was chilling on the couch and some on the floor, there was a TV channel with the worlds most said two names with red print on it..The names were Y/N and Luca Kaneshiro..Your group were stunned by the sight, while you were about to turn off the TV the announcer said this... "We found out that Y/N has another group she's following other from the mafia, there were three guys always following her anywhere she goes. One with black hair and red tips, and golden eyes, another one with black hair with pink tips and also his dyed bangs, last one is a guy with grey hair and a fox hat, he wears mostly orange and white..Thank you for your notice, we'll be sending spy's and assassins to try to get them..See you next time and take care everyone.." Guess we'll need to start hiding...Oh Shit...

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