What is this place...?

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      May, 21, 1985

I woke up alone with no noise anywhere expect for my footsteps, you looked into everyone's dorm..But there's no one there..I started getting really worried, because of the channel yesterday saying they would be sending spy's and assassins...but..When I went into Shu's dorm there was a note book laying on the floor half torn and half open, it looked like Shu was trying to find a spell of some sorts..I actually never seen anyone's dorms before..And I didn't know Shu was into magic! There was one torn out called "the bridge to dream world" I read it slowly as I felt the rooms aura getting darker and darker, as I continued to read it..when I finished I looked up the room was pitch black with fog everywhere, I heard whispers everywhere, whispering the spell from the book...I closed my eyes tight as the whispering turned into chanting..I opened one of my eyes and...I was in a pink fluffy wonderland..I gripped onto the book with my hand tightly while I started to walk across the fluffy cloud acting like the ground, I heard a person talking in the distance it sounded like it was a guy lost in here as well..I ran to the source of the sound and I Immediately hugged the stranger tight as he almost fell over from me hugging them, then the stranger said something that made me look up at him. "Y/N how did you get here?!" I looked up at the stranger to find Shu, I stopped hugging him and asked where were the others but he didn't know either, I answered his question still unsure, we'll I were looking through the others room trying to find where they were, I saw a a book on the floor I opened it and read it, but it all went dark and I heard chanting the spell thing to get here and I got here without a way to leave... "Ohhh ya, I get it now"

Shu said that if you have the spell book then your fine, you need to read the one that teleports us to the real world. But the other spells can also look into the future..Look into the past...Turn invisible..and many more, I'd prefer you read the one to take us back to the real world, then read the one that looks into the past to see where the others went. You used the spell to get back to Shu's room, Shu flipped to the page where you can see into the past, everything is grayed out and you two were invisible, it was 5:12 am everyone was sleeping peacefully until a creak of the front door..The stranger walked in your house, she walked into one of the dorms coincidentally being Mysta's dorm, she seemingly tied a rope around Mysta's hand and mouth, making him not able to speak. She then went to Vox's dorm being more cautious knowing he's more dangerous then the rest, she ran in tripping over something on the floor, Vox woke up from the noise and jumped up grabbing the nearest weapon at the sight of an intruder. The intruder shot a bullet at Vox's arm making him drop his weapon and fall to the floor holding his arm, she then tied him up, all of her bullets are tranquilizer darts, so Vox fell unconscious. Y/N then saw past Shu awake and reading the spell book knowing that that's his only way to escape alive, When the intruder finished with Vox, she headed to Shu's dorm just in time to see him disappear from thin air..Then..She left with Mysta and Vox in the back of a van...You kept on following the stranger until they reached a heavily guarded base with flags and everything, there were barbed wire, traps, guards with guns, and last but not least a really heavy, as you were about to see what it was like inside you felt a rush of pain go through your body, you collapsed onto the floor holding your chest gasping for your breath..Shu ran to you holding a potion with the words "Drink with caution" you chugged down the potion making you feel much better as you slowly got back up from the floor..

"This is common whenever someone uses a spell for too long, you should be                                         careful of that next time..." *Shu said while patting you on the back*

I went back to my room getting everything that is needed. I put on a denim jacket, a crop top, ripped jeans, and lastly a spiked choker, I tied my hair into a long ponytail putting on a mask in case something toxic is in the air, I grabbed my gun with twenty bullets, a pocket knife, and one single grenade...I hopped into the car while Shu got into the drivers seat, starting the car we headed off to the said location..

      May, 21, 1985

We finally arrived at the place, Shu tried to find a place to park that's hidden from view, we both hopped out of the car holding out our weapons I jumped onto a tall tree trying to get a better view of the place while Shu cast a spell making him invisible to everyone..You jumped off the tree landing inside of the base, Shu slowly crossed the barbed wire dodging any contact with the guards...Then...this happened...

"..wait..what is this..?.." *Shu muttered to himself*

A very loud buzzing noise came out from the ground, he knew he fell into a trap...all of the guards pointed there guns at anything that made noise, Shu then sneaked across the ground while looking down, he looked up for a split second..and...He stepped on a stick cracking it..The guards pointed there guns at the stick..Then one of them found him...Shu's invisibility ran out as he was pinned to the ground with a gun to his chest..You slowly crept across the grass looking slowly to where the sound came from, you saw Shu getting pinned to the ground..Reminding you of when you first met him..You immediately jumped out shooting everyone to the ground using 5 bullets in the process..When Shu got up he ran to you grabbing you on the arms with a strong grip pulling you towards him, right as he pulled you towards him something hit where you were standing, the thing hit the wall with a clinking noise, which reminds you that..Everyone wants you dead...Shu let you go as he casted a spell making both of you invisible. As you both slowly entered the base you saw guards going by you with no clue at all. There were signs at front of the base with one of them saying "prison" you looked at Shu with a glare in your eyes as you both slowly nodded....

Long story short, you threw a grande in the jail cell while Shu made a shield for the boys..All of the guards ran to the spot where you blew up just in time to see you waving goodbye to these Bitches..You didn't have time to untie them so you just grabbed them by the ropes throwing them into the car...and you were off..FINALLY..Luca showed his gratitude by joining your group for good, Vox said he would do the dishes for two weeks, and Mysta said he will try not to be annoying and piss you off..What a great day...With the boys...

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