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You all sat there and ponder about what to do. Should they find Vox, or should they try to find new people..And the choice was obvious, go find Vox, and the alters. Wait, where are the alters?

Everyone went quiet at the realization that they hadn't seen the Alters at all..                                         And then..A strong gush of wind hit your face causing you to fall over on your back..And when you looked behind you, you saw a deep Canyon...You were inches away from the pit, or certain death..Luca ran to you trying to help you up but..something or someone tripped him causing him to fall into the pit..

"LUCA!!!" *Everyone yelled*


It was silence, untill..

"I'M ALRIGHT!!!" *Luca shouted*

Oh my...Thank god he's okay..Luckily he grabbed onto a branch which was hanging off the pit. You called for everyone to help pull Luca up, but..They didn't respond..? You looked back just to see a blood trail leading to a strange house...So you immediately looked back at Luca who was barely holding on to the branch and struggled to pull him up, but you managed to do it.

"Where's the others?" *Luca questioned*


"I don't know..But...I think there in..there..." *Y/N pointed at the strange house*

Luca's face grew grim as he saw the small blood trail leading to the house..

You looked at Luca who was still thinking, but then..He nodded.


One, two, three, you slowly got near the house..Your palms began to sweat...What happened to everyone? Where is the alters? Why are we here? Many questions popped into your head, and then...You reached the house.

"Let me go first.." *Luca suggested*

You felt like something wasn't right..The air was moist and thick. You could sense something wrong..Or something that's..Behind you.


You quickly turned around expecting a person..But...A string bullet flew your way..You closed your eyes are you turned away...

Your lift flashed before your eyes..But...You didn't get shot..










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