Luxiem meets Meixul..

152 6 3

      May, 22, 1985

Everyone is chilling like usual, eating, sleeping, playing, yelling, and.. "doing things.."                                             But all of a sudden Shu ran down from his room with a smile on his face, he was holding a spell book of sorts..He yelled to everyone one that he found something interesting. 

"Guys! Guys! Look at this! I found out everyone has a Alter ego if there from another world!" *Shu said excitedly*

"Wait, what is an alter ego Shu?" *Luca questioned*

"It's basically like a different version of yourself, it may act like you and look like you, but they have different features!"

"Ohhhh, I get it now! Alter ego POG!" *Luca Yelled*

Then..All of a sudden Shu seemed to changed..The color of his skin turned lilac and his bangs turned dark purple..His eyes turned cyan..Everyone stared as Shu turned into..Who knows what..His Alter ego..? The stranger then opened his eyes with a sly smile...He then started to speak..

"Hello everyone..My name is Hikarino.." *The stranger spoke in a proper tone*

Everyone stood in shock as the stranger seemingly to be a more..hmm..more..radiates Top energy...Then "Vox" spoke up..

"Well Hello again Hikarino.." We all turned to Vox confused just to see him with black skin, white hair, and blue highlights. "Why is everyone staring at me..?" *He said confused*

"Oh..Ya..Hello everyone, my name is Tenshi, the BETTER version of Vox.." *He scoffed*

Then Mysta had a BIG grin on his face for some reason..He then yelled something that made us turn to him..


You, Luca, and Ike turned to each other with a confused and scared face..Mysta began to laugh/scream psychotically, then...the look in his face turned cold and dead..His clothes turned deep black..

"Andddd here we go again..." *Ike sighed*

After he said that, he felt a rush of energy goes through him, making him fall to the floor gripping on to his chest..

"My head hurt.." *Ike mumbled*

His normal blue dyed hair slowly turned into a dark red color..his eyes turned hot pink with little hearts as his pupils..He panted as his pupils grew bigger as his grip on his chest tightly..

Luca started to worry about what his Alter ego would be like..But I reminded him that it can be anything, and like Shu said: "It's basically like a different version of yourself, it may act like you and look like you, but they have different features!" So don't worry about it buddy..then his hair grew longer as he didn't change too much..But you realized Luca..Turned into Lucy...                           

"Hello again everyone! I missed you all!" *Lucy said in an exciting tone*

"O-oh, we'll hello Lucy." *Y/N said softly*

Lucy gave Y/N a big hug as the other "members" were still getting used to the new environment..            Then Lucy yelled at everyone to not make a mess while she tries to find something in Luca's room, and lastly..Be nice to Y/N..And then she was off...Everyone was silent, you felt like everyone was staring at you with dead eyes..


Then Tenshi spoke up..

"Hey! Um..Rias, Eki, go introduce yourself to..Um..Y/N.." *Tenshi said in an uneasy tone*

"Oh..Okay..Hello everyone, my name is Rias, and ya that's it.."

"Hellooo there..My name is's a pleasure to meet you Y/N.." *Eki said with a bow*

H-Hello.. *You said nervously*

Hikarino's phone rung making me jump..When he opened his phone up he saw that it was..Shu..? Wait..How can Shu text Hikarino when..He is practically right here..?                                   I walked up to Hikarino with a concerned/confused face..I grabbed the phone from his hand just to see that..Shu was calling for help...? I read the text out loud so everyone could hear, as I was about to read it Lucy came back..She asked what was going on so I showed her the text from Shu..Her eyes widen as she muttered to herself..

"" *Lucy said sloftly*

What do you mean Lucy-san?

"I-I've been here before.."

W-what do you me-

I was cut off when Hikarino's phone rang, It was Shu, again..I picked it up and put the phone to my ears..

"Hello! Hello! I-is that you Hikarino..?"

It's me, Y/N..

"Where's Hika- Nevermind..I Need Your Help...I'm in a dark place seemingly to be a void of death..PLEASE HEL- (Please leave your message after the beep.) *Beeeeeepp*

Shit..We need to Help Him!

"Ya everyone! The others may be stuck there like him!" *Lucy shouted*

"Why would we care..? We can finally talk and walk..Do our own things..Plus they can feel what we always feel..Loneliness, sadness, claustrophobia, and echoey dark rooms.." *Rias said calmly*

Lucy's face grew grim as she walked up to Rias..She grabbed onto Rias's shirt and shook him, ALOT.

Everyone agreed even though it wasn't there choice..Lucy hopped into my car with the keys that I gave her..I sat in the passenger seat with Eki and Tenshi next to me. Hikarino and Rias behind me..I asked Lucy why she needed to drive there, if it's like a black void..She told me that there's a spot in the earth where you fall through into the "black void."                                                                         I went silent at the mention of.. "falling through the earth..." Eki looked at me with his pink eyes while not making a sound..When I noticed he was staring at me he spoke up..

"What type of knives do you prefer?" *Eki said curiously*

Wait what..? like Pocket knives..?

Why did you ask..Eki..?

"Oh, just seeing if you like the same knives as me.."

O-oh..What's your favorite..?

"Pocket Knives!"

We have the same one..yay..

"That's Great! now I'll never let you go..."

Ya- Wait what..?

Then the car seemingly came to stop, while falling through the ground..

Shit..what is this place...Wait..What is this thing..?



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