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"There's just something about him that I can't figure out." I pull my t-shirt over my bathing suit top and slide on some shorts. Ava is sitting on my bed waiting for me to finish getting ready. We're going to the lake this evening to hang out with some friends.

"He's weird if you ask me. He's too quiet. Boys aren't supposed to be that quiet. He seems to be afraid of every one." Ava replies.

"Yeah, its weird." I grab my bag and we leave to grab drinks before we meet the others at the lake.


"Azrael is the angel of death. In the bible times, Azrael would visit people before they would die so he could deliver their souls to God. Therefore, he was known as the angel of death." Zach one of my friends explains after we told him about the new kid at school.

"Who would name their child after a death angel?" Ryan, another one of my friends, replies. "His parents must have been on drugs when they named him.

"Ryan, shut up! You're parents were drunk when they had you!" Ava replies. She laughs and Ryan rolls his eyes.

"At least I have a normal name." He replies and smirks.

"Yeah, right." Ava slaps him playfully and she runs off as Ryan chases after her.

"They sure are mature." Zach says sarcastically.

"Yeah." I reply.

"So about last week, I'm sorry." He says.

"Zach, I already told you its fine. We're better as friends. I'm not mad at you." I reply smiling.

"Good, I just worry that you're secretly mad at me." He smiles back. "So have you talked to him?"

"To who?"

"The new kid. Have you talked to him?"

"Not really. We ran into each other in the hallway today as he was coming out of the restroom. I said sorry to him and he just walked away without saying anything."

"Weirdo. That kid has some major issues." Zach replies. "He needs to be confronted."

"Why even bother with him? If he wants to be left alone then just let him be. He's not hurting anyone."

"Its always the quiet ones, Sage. One wrong move or word and they lash out. He needs to know his place." Zach stands up and runs over to join Ava and Ryan in chasing each other with a dead snake.


I hear the screaming as I come out of class. I run around the opposite hallway and see a group of students gathered in the hallway. I push my through them to see Azrael has Zach pushed up against the wall. The students shout in excitement.

"Don't you ever fucking touch me again, asshole! You don't run my life so stay out of it." Azrael yells into Zach's face. He has a British accent. He punches Zach and lets go of him. Zach slides to the ground holding his nose. Blood drips down from his hand.

The principal runs in and breaks up the students gathered around them and sends them all back to class. I notice Azrael holding his left arm tightly. Its purple and swelled.

"You two in my office now!" The principle says as he helps Zach stand up. "Lanore! You too."

"But, Sir. I didn't do -"

"Office now!"

I follow him and they boys to his office. He motions for us all to sit down.

"Zach, you know better. Star of the football team fighting like a child." He turns to me. "And Sage, you definitely know better. Who wants to explain what happened?"

Zach looks at Azrael. "Why don't you ask the freak."

"Zachary, watch it. I can suspend you from next weeks big game. Azrael, care to explain?"

Azrael shakes his head and puts his head down.

"Well someone better get to explaining before you're all suspended."

Azrael sighs. "Sir, Zach pushed me in the hallway and bent my arm and told me freaks like me don't deserve to live and I lost my cool and shoved him against the wall. He yelled that he was now contaminated and I told him he didn't have a say in my life and then I punched him." Azrael puts his head back down.

"Is that true, Zach?"

Zach just nods his head as he flips off Azrael.

"Alright then. Zach you're suspended from school and football practice for the rest of the day. Azrael, I'm calling your mother."

"She's not my mother." Azrael replies.

"Whatever she is. I'll be sure to tell her how disrespectful you are." The principal writes something on a piece of paper and hands it to Zach. "Take this to the coach after you see the nurse." Zach takes the paper and walks out still holding his nose.

Azrael stands up and walks out. I notice a tear slide down his red cheek.

"Sage, if you had nothing to do with this then get out of my office."

I quickly stand up and run after Azrael. I grab his arm and he pulls away hard. "Don't fucking tou -" He turns around and sees me standing there. "I - I'm sorry."

"You're fine, I promise. I just want to ask you something. Can we talk?"

He nods his head and walks outside to the lounge area. He sits down at a bench table and looks at me. I sit down across from him and smile. He doesn't smile back.

"Did he hurt you?" I ask him. He doesn't respond. "I'm sorry for what he said to you."

"Why does it matter to you? This is a waste of my time. I should go." He stands up and I notice his arm again. His wrist is still purple. I stand up and grab his wrist. He tries to pull it away but I hold on tight. "It looks sprained or something. I'd get it checked if I were you."

He tries to pull away again and his hoodie sleeve shifts up. I see the re lines before he can pull his sleeve back down. He looks at me with fear in his eyes and runs off.

I stand there for a few moments watching him get into a car. The car pulls away. I let out a sigh and let myself think of the red lines on his arm. Is he really okay? Was I wrong to stare at them even if I didn't mean to?

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