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Its the night of the opening game. The first game of the season. I get in my car and head to Azrael's place. I pull up and unlock the door for him to get in. He gets in and puts on his seatbelt. I smile at him and he smiles back.
"How are you feeling today?" I ask him.
"I feel alright." He replies. "I admit I'm feeling very anxious right now. I don't do so well in big crowds."
"It'll be okay. I'll be right next to you, I won't let anyone get too close." I smile at him.
"I'd be so lost without you." He smiles playfully.
I pull off and we head to the game.
Azrael and I sit close to the bottom in case he needs to run out. He actually does really well, better than I thought he would. He's watching the game and smiling every now and then. I think it's safe to say that he's enjoying it. This is probably his first real event and I'm happy that he's spending it with me.
When the game ends he looks at me. He looks happy. "That was good I guess."
"You did really well. I'm proud of you." I reply.
"Thanks." He says and looks down. "I'm happy I'm here with you."
"Me too. I'm super happy right now." I take his hand and lead him out of the bleachers. "Are you hungry?"
"Not really. If I eat I'll probably puke. I will take something to drink though." He replies.
I take his hand again and we walk to the concessions stand. I buy us sodas and we go back to our seats. 
"I know you hate when I ask this, but are you okay? I don't want you to get too anxious."
"I'm okay." He replies. He smiles and I can't help but smile back.
He's so cute when he's happy. It warms my heart knowing that I'm causing his happiness.
"The fireworks will be starting soon. Are you sure you're going to be okay?" I put my hand on his and squeeze it gently.
"Yeah I'm sure. I have you." He squeezes my hand.
"Okay. Just tell me if you want to leave, okay?"
He nods.
I watch him as the fireworks are being set off. I watch the amazement in his eyes. I let myself feel sorry for him. This boy who hasn't had a proper childhood is here with me experiencing something so simple and is enjoying it for the very first time ever. This boy is truly happy for the first time in a while and it's because of me. He's here with me. No negative emotions, no bad thoughts. He's actually living like a normal person. I want this moment to last forever. I want him to feel this way forever.
He looks over at me and smiles. "I think this is my favorite part. I've never seen fireworks before. The colors are so nice."
I smile and laugh softly. "I'm glad you're enjoying it."
When the fireworks end I walk him out to my car. "Did you have fun?" I ask as we get into the car and fasten our seatbelts.
"Yes, I did." He replies.
We pull out of the parking lot and I hold his hand as I drive. He stares at me and I look over at him. "Thank you for coming with me."
"You're welcome." He replies. He looks out the passenger window and sighs.
I don't question his mood. Instead, I focus on driving. I turn onto the intersection as the other turns green. I see a truck come towards me. It doesn't stop. I slam on my brakes but it's too late. I hear the trick hit the passenger side of my car. I close my eyes as my little car flips a few times before landing right side up. I open my eyes and take deep breaths. I see someone running up to my car. They open my door.
"Are you okay?!" It's a man. A middle aged man.
"Yes.. him." I point to Azrael. "Check on him."
The man walks over to the other and looks in the window.
Azrael moves slowly and then starts to panic.
"What did you do?" He looks nauseous. "I need -"
"Azrael, it's okay. Please calm down. Help is coming." I put my hand on his and feel him calm down a little.
"I can't feel my leg." He says.
"Which one?" I ask trying to keep him distracted.
"The left one." He says. "Makes no sense though because shouldn't it be the right one?"
I smile. His voice is so calm. "I have no idea. Are you okay though other than that?"
"I think so." He replies. "I don't feel so well though. I think I'm going to -" He bends forward and pukes.. in my car. Several times. I put my hand to my mouth and sigh. I can't be mad at him. This is all temporary, he is not. I squeeze his hand reminding him that I'm here.
"I'm sorry." He says.
"It's okay." I reply.
I see the red and blue lights flashing. I turn to Azrael.
"Listen to me. They are men. They will not hurt you. Please let them help you. Understand? They will not hurt you. They want to help you."
He frowns at me, but nods. "Okay."
The paramedics open my side and unbuckle me. They help me out and make sure I can stand up.
  "I think his leg is hurt. He said he couldn't feel it. His breathing is a bit unsteady too." I say to the medic who helped me out. "Also, he's an abuse survivor. He doesn't trust men very well. Be careful with him please."
The medic nods at me."I will, thank you for informing me." He and another medic rush over to Azrael's side. They pull the door on his side and help him out. He stumbles a bit. One of the medics help him walk to the truck. He sits down and lets the medic check him. I walk over to see if he's okay.
"His leg is definitely broken and I'm not completely sure, but I think he's got a few broken ribs." He shines a flashlight in Azrael's eyes. "Other than that, he's alright. It could've been worse." He turns to me and does the same. "You seem okay. Do you feel okay?"
I nod. "Azrael, do you know Meredith's phone number?" I pull out my phone ready to call her. He tells me the number and I hit the call button.
I explain everything to Meredith. She says that she will meet us at the hospital. I tell the medic and he helps Azrael lay down. And they lift him into the truck. I hop in and sit down. I hold his hand and he squeezes it.
"Do you know what happened?" He asks as another medic hops in and locks the door.
"I saw it too late. I'm sorry. It's my fault." I look into his blue eyes. I see his pain. 
"It's not your fault. I saw the light turn green." He smiles softly. He takes a breath and instantly closes his eyes and cringes from the pain.
"I'm so sorry." I say again. "I promised I wouldn't hurt you and I did."
"No. This isn't your fault." He smiles again and closes his eyes. His breath slows down.
I look at the medic with panic.
"He's alright. His vitals are steady , let him sleep."
I sit back and sigh. This is not how I wanted this night to go.

Seasons #1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora