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"I'm in a relationship with a girl." I'm sitting at the kitchen table scratching at the glossy surface. Meredith is rushing around the kitchen trying to make dinner. Now if the perfect time to explain to her that I want to invite Sage over. Bad idea? Probably, but I really want to give this girl a chance.
"That's nice. Who is she? What's her name?"
"Sage. I go to school with her."
"Do you trust her? I know how hard it is for you to let people get too close with you. Do you feel safe around her?" Meredith turns to look at me.
"Yeah. I mean she makes me feel like I'm okay. I don't feel anxious around her. She makes me feel good and safe." I pull off a piece of the table and flick it to the floor. "She's coming over tomorrow to meet you. Please don't fuck it up. She wants me to go to the opening game with her next week. We're going to watch the game and then there's fireworks after."
Meredith raises her eyebrows at me. "You go to a public event with tons of people? I don't think so. That is not a good idea."
"Meredith, please? I never ask for anything and I've been doing so good about controlling my emotions and temper. Please?" I beg. I need to convince her to let me go.
"Azrael, you're not in a good place to be going out doing normal things. You still panic when I take you places. I don't think that would be any better."
"I'm going whether you say yes or no. You can't stop me." I cross my arms angrily.
"You're right. You're stubborn and won't listen to me." She sighs in frustration. "The girl can come over tomorrow evening after the little ones go to bed. I want to talk to her myself before I even think about allowing you to go out without me. Then maybe I will think about letting you go to the game with her."
I smile. "Deal."
After first period, I wait by my locker for Sage. I smile as I see her walking towards me.
"Hi." I say as she walks up to me.
"Hey. Did you ask her?" She's very smiley today.
"Yeah. She said it's fine if you come over but it has to be after seven." I reply.
"Awesome. Can't wait." She kisses my cheek.
"I have no idea what she's going to say or do so I apologize in advance." I laugh nervously. 
"It's fine."
"Loser." Ryan says as he walks by.
I sigh and look at Sage.
"Hey Ryan. Remember when you said that no one would ever want to date me? You're wrong." She kisses me on the lips.
"That doesn't count. I meant someone more perfect than you. He's far from that. Try again with someone more - I don't know less freakish?" He smiles sarcastically.
I feel myself tense up ready to fight him, but Sage grabs my hand and squeezes it. "Don't. It's not worth it. He's not worth your time."
I take a deep breath and smile. "You're right."
She nods at me. "I'll see you tonight then?"
  She smiles and walks down the hall to her locker.
I'm sitting on the couch waiting for Sage to get here when Meredith comes and sits next to me.

"Are you okay? Honestly." She asks me.

"Am I ever okay? I am right now I guess." I smile but then frown. "I feel like I'm trying to use her as like a barrier between myself and my emotions. I don't want her to know that though so don't tell her please. I'm still trying to figure out my feelings about her. I'm confused about how to feel around her. She makes me feel calm and safe, but I don't want to trust her fully yet. I just can't accept that someone like her would actually care about me. My mind just doesn't understand it."

Meredith smiles at me. "It stays between you and I, I promise."

I smile back at her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

There's a knock on the door. Meredith gets up and opens it.

"Hello. You must be Sage." She smiles.

"Yes ma'am. Hi." Sage replies with a warm smile.

She's so beautiful. I allow myself to think about my feelings for her. I can honestly say she's so damn beautiful.

"Hi, Azrael." She says to me.

"Hi." I reply smiling.

"You can come sit on the couch." I say anxiously.

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