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Victoria's pov

"Well I guess if worse comes to worse I'll throw you over my shoulder like a bag of potatoes and force you to meet our family."

"Your family."

I correct Javan.

"And that would be called kidnapping in which case you could go to jail for. Even if you're in a Mafia, I know plenty of creeps who work for a mafia that need to be put into jail or die."

All the sudden I feel a really bad migraine. I shut my eyes tightly.

"Bloody hell. Vin can you get me something for a spilting headache?"

As soon as I ask Vin leaves and comes back with water and medication. I thank him and take it. It'll take a while to kick in so I sit there, curled in a ball with my eyes shut, on the couch.

"Umm...is she okay?"

I hear, I think Everett was his name, ask.

"She's fine. This happens from time to time. We don't know what causes them unfortunately."

Vincent says while rubbing my back.

"She's been getting bad migraines since Micah took her in. We thought it happened when whatever got her laying on the side of the road beat up. Took her in to the hospital, they did plenty of tests and scans. Nothing. So we sit like this for a little until she feels better. Usually without talking."

Mavrick explained. The room went silent then. My phone rang and I snapped. I sat up straight and grabbed my phone.

"Jesus! Fucking! Hell!"

I look and it's Gray calling. I answer him.

"You better have a good reason for calling me when I'm having a spilting headache, because right now that ringing did not help and I feel like ripping your head off."

"Uh...hello to you too...I just left your house because it was silent. I wanted to call and make sure everything is okay? And check where you are."

I take a deep breath and lean on the couch.

"I'm sorry...I'm home. You don't need to worry, everything is splendid."

"Are you sure? You never-"

"Yes I can meet you later today. I'll see at the park at...let's say 2, yes?"

"Sure. I love you Red."

"...I love you too dumbass."

I mumbled into my phone before hearing Gray chuckle and hang up on me. I've never liked saying I love you to him out loud. Everyone around me then thinks I'm dating him. I noticed all the guys were looking at me as if I were insane.

"What? Can a girl not take a phone call anymore?"

"No, it's just you screamed at the poor kid Ria...Also the fact that he somehow got you to calm down and he's still your friend after 7 years."

Vincent told me. I just shrugged it off.

"I'm going up to my room for the next half hour."

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