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We're just sitting around in Maliki's hospital room now. I'm sitting on Zane's lap half asleep since I didn't sleep last night and I just cried for an hour. Maliki felt bad for making me upset, I know he did because he kept apologizing for making me cry. That was until Everett told him to shut up and eat the McDonald's we got him. Then he did. They tried to get me to eat but I'm to tierd to even form words.

"Go to sleep Victoria. I will wake you up if anything happens, I promise."

I wanted to shake my head no but I felt like I couldn't so I just closed my eyes while resting my head on Zane's shoulder.
Zane's pov

"Is she finally sleeping?"

"Mhm. Be quite now."

"I'm sorry...I swear I didn't mean to make her cry-"

"Kai, stop. It's okay. She's just a bit emotional from some events from her past. You didn't do anything to her. We know that. She was just really worried you weren't going to make it, like we all were."

Javan told him.

"So you all slept last night while she was up? Doesn't sound like you were that concerned for me."

"Maliki. You know that isn't what I was saying. We all just knew you'd be fine, while she didn't. And I tried to comfortable her, but I didn't know she was still awake when I left her room."


"Can we discuss the problem in the room now that Tori is asleep?"

Eden, my wife, asked. I nodded to her and Avery.

"Kai can we get you into therapy? The doctors already have meds for you to take once we're out of here. Yes, the meds will help but therapy will also help. And we're trying to do everything we can to keep you out of a psych ward."

"Put me in the psych ward. I'll get the attention I need because you all have been doing a horrible job at it."

"We're trying Maliki! Okay? It's been tough for all of us! I mean figuring out our sister wasn't where we thought she was, then figuring out she's tried to kill herself more then once, and she's been through hell and back that none of us have every experienced!"

"And how would you know that Javan!?"

"Because she told me! She cried and told me all the horrible, horrible things she had to go through when she was just a kid! And guess what!? That whole time, we were all being pampered by mom and dad! Who sent her to a fucking dick man!"

"Dad was a dick man! If she stayed here her whole life, I'm sure she wouldn't even think twice about going to America!"

"Oh!? Just so she could get raped and beaten!? Or to find her only friend the way she found you yesterday!? No call, not text, not note! She thought you were just like everyone else in her life and you were going to leave her here on this shitty planet! But you left a note! One saying you wanted to hate her but you couldn't because you lover her! And she didn't believe that!...I sat in that damn hallway with her trying to convince her to even just walk into this room! She thought you hated her! Not only did she think you were going to leave her, but you hated her! Like everyone from her childhood! And thank God she never came home for the 7 years Micah had her! Because I think we can all admit we'd never be able to help her the way Micah did! Or Maverick, hell that Grayson kid!...We're really fucking trying to give everyone the attention and help they need in this family Maliki. But sometimes in a big family you need to realize that others will come before you because they need more help from the family. You should of came and talked to us about it. We would of helped you sooner...but if you want we'll send you...Victoria herself said she didn't like the ward, but it helped her."

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