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Victoria's pov

I don't know what in the world possessed me, but I crawled on the bed over to Javan's lap. He was just as taken back. Shortly after the shock he put his arms around me and held me. He rubbed my back the way Vinny does when he holds me.

"April killed herself...I was the one who found her...she didn't leave a note. Or a text or even a call. Nothing..."

I murmured to Javan while tears started to spill put of my eyes from the memories.

"Was April the girl who gave you this blanket?"

Javan held up a corner of the old and beaten blanket I stared to cry into. I shook my head yes and then I started to sob and shake in Javan's arms.

"I-I miss he-her."

"Oh, I'm sorry sorella. Shhh. Shhh. It's okay. I got you. I'm sure she's watching over you right now. I'm so sorry."

He held me the whole night until I fell asleep. Even when I woke up he was there. Still holding me. I think he felt me moving because he slowly opened his eyes and looked into mine. I quickly looked down not wanting him to see my face after I sobbed so hard last night.

"How are you feeling muffin?"

Muffin? Is that my nickname? Whatever, I'm to tired to care right now.


I just mumbled back.

"How about you and I stay hom-"

Javan stopped mid sentence. I honestly didn't know why. But silly me, I forgot I was wearing shorts. Last night he couldn't see the marks in the dark. Now he can. This made me tense up in his arms.

"I'm not mad. I'm not going to yell at you. You can relax Victoria. I'm not going to hurt you. But, now I definitely want you to stay home with me...Please. I won't make you stay home, that's really up for yourself to decide."

Javan said as soon as he felt me tense up in his arms. It actually did make me relax a bit more.

"I'm going to get breakfast, for the both of us. Just wait here for me."

Javan put me down and put the blankets over me before he left. I wanted to die. Now a stupid guy I met last week and my stupid brother knows. He'll probably go and tell everyone now. I buried myself in the blankets, trying to ignore the sounds of people talking and walking in the hallway. I just want Micah and April back. Why do all the people I get really close to and love die?

"Victoria. I got us fo-What's wrong muffin?"

The door opened and Javan walked in with a tray of food. I didn't realize I was crying again until I went to speak and a sob came out instead. Javan set the tray down and came right to my side.

"I got you. It's okay. Shh."

Javan picked me up and held me again. He was trying to comfort me like last night. I cried into his chest while fisting his shirt in my hands. Javan tried his best to hold and comfort me. After a little bit I calmed down and was only sniffling. Someone knocked on the bedroom door all of the sudden making me flinch back.

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