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"Well everything seems fine. You should be able to walk but I suggest you get some rest and food before you do."

"Thank you."

I said to the doctor before she left. I managed to forget what my brothers were talking about and fell asleep. And so did my brothers, Avery, Eden, and Saylor. Most of them went back to the house actually. Only Ren and Zane stayed. In the morning Ren got me some McDonald's. I ate and got to walk, which I can do but it hurts my thighs. Not as bad as being stabbed, more of like a small prick. Also the doctor looked at my stitches and said they seem to be healing fine, but I still need to be hospitalized for at least 4 more days. Ugh! I'm going to miss school and have to catch up. And my friends will freak when they find out the real reason I'm in the hospital. I just told them I got my phone taken away and got grounded for a week. And then I messed up a trick on my skateboard so I'm in the hospital. Hopefully I can stick to that lie.

"The King, Queen, and princes are visiting today."

Zane informed Ren and I as he looked at his phone. I've only met the men in the royal mafia once. I haven't met the queen, but saying the rest of them seem like good people I'm sure she is too.

2 hours later

We were having lunch, sandwiches, when the door to my hospital room opened. Rhys and Philip walked straight over to me.

"Thank God you're okay. It was all so crazy. You were next to me, the lights go out, gun shots, screams, the lights turned back on and you were gone."

"Mhm. We missed you."

Philip nodded, saying Rhys and the others missed me.

"I missed you too. And I promised you a shooting contest if I remember correctly."

"Yeah! Can we do it soon!?"

"Philip. We already told you."

That was Kian talking. Then Darian spoke up.

"She's hospitalized for a good few days bud, maybe in a week or two you can do that."

"But you guys said we could do it!"

"Philip. Listen to your brothers. You know your father wouldn't like this behavior."

The queen, who's name I figured out was Zara, talked to Philip.


Philip turned his back to them and looked at me. I patted the bed for him to come join me. He easily accepted.

"We'll do it as soon as I can. Can you wait for 5 more days?"


"Good, because it'd be unfair for me since I'm injured."

I ruffled the 10 year old's hair. We played cards instead of a shooting contest while I ate lunch.

"So I heard she's back."

Kain, Darian and Zara were talking to Zane and Ren. They're talking about this early morning. I tried to ignore them as Rhys was beating me and Philip at cards.

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