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He was more helpful than I thought he was. So most of the guys are in public relationships, not Ren, or aren't dating anyone, like Kit.
Javan and Avery are engaged. They've been together 7 years.
Zane and Eden are married. They've been together for 10. Which I find odd saying I haven't seen the girl around. Nor has anyone talked about her.
Levi and Raya are engaged. They have only been together for 4 years.
Everett and Samantha are dating. They've been with eachother for 2 years.
Luca and Naomi are dating. It's been almost 3 years for them.
Parker and Soren, my gay brother and his boyfriend! They've been dating 1 year and 3 months.
Kai and Aria have been together for 6 months.
Scout and Jasmine have been together a year.
Mateo and Kayla have been together for 8 months.
Then there is my aunt and uncle, from both sides. Just one side is dead and the other isn't. And my grandparents are all dead exept my father's dad. Then my mum's dead. And Kit and I are the only single people in the family.

"Why haven't I seen all these girls around? Especially Zane's wife?"

I asked Saylor who's been sitting next to me, and drawing shapes with his finger on my hand.

"Oh, she's been visiting her family in America. Zane was going to join her but then they were meeting with Micah and you know the rest."

"Why didn't he go back and join with her. I've only been here 3 weeks. He could of gone after week 1."

"Victoria. He pick you. He wanted to be with his little sister. And Eden undstands that saying she has younger siblings as well. She'll be home tomorrow though, then you can meet her."

"Are Raya, Samantha, and Naomi here?"

I keep asking questions but no one seems to care about it.

"Yeah. But Madi, Avery's sister, has them all looking at wedding stuff in one of the conference room. Javan would be with them but he's busy with something. I only know he said him and Zane are dealing with something for someone."

"Ugh! I hate when my family works when we have people over."

Rose examined.

"They aren't working. It's something for me actually."

"Is that why Everett was in here earlier?"

"Yeah, he was asking you something about what day would work for you or something."

"What are you doing anyway?"

"It's nothing important. It's just Javan and Zane being good brothers. That's all. We just have plans."

I tried to get the topic to change but Mr.nosy over here wasn't having it.

"Wait...can we talk somewhere private? I wanna ask you something."

Saylor asked me. My friends got suspicious while I shook my head no.

"No way in hell. Last time I was alone with you, you pried into my life. Not happening again. That's that."

I snapped at Saylor.

"Please? I won't ask anything like that this time. Just one question...please?"

I looked at him for a long minute.

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