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Saylor'a pov

None of the Rivera's are happy she's trying to get closer to me. I know none if them speak Russian so that's how I'm talking to her. She has seemed to stop crying but she hasn't looked up or said a word.

"Saylor, and everyone else, how about you give me and her some space to-"


Victoria's voice came off very strong from underneath my chin. She's so petit and tiny. It's cute.

"What do you want then muffin?"

Javan asked her. She tried, again, to get closer to me but it's physically impossible. Javan let out a sigh.

"Everyone leave her room."

Javan said and everyone followed. Before I could say or do anything, Victoria held my hand and shook her head no.

"Не оставляй меня с ним... пожалуйста, Сейлор."
(Don't leave me with him...please Saylor.)

"I don't plan to. I got you. It's all alright. It's okay. I'm not leaving you alone."

I spoke softly into her ear as I rubbed her back.

"Он собирается причинить мне боль, а Рен, не так ли?..."
(He's gonna hurt me and Ren isn't he?...)

Victoria looked up at me finally. My hands instinctively held her face.

"Нет. Никогда. Он просто напряжен из-за работы и всего остального. К тому же я бы никогда не позволила ему причинить вред тебе или кому-либо еще в этой семье. Хорошо?"
(No. He'd never. He's just stressed about work and everything else. Plus I'd never let him hurt you, or anyone else in this family. Okay?)


She whispered to me. I looked back up to see if Javan was still here. He was. He was standing at her door trying to give us privacy while still being in the room.


I smiled down at her. She offered me a small smile then rested her head back on my chest. I put my face in her hair and inhaled her peachy smell. So sweet and such a cutie. Javan then cleared his thoat to get our attention. I looked at him but Tori didn't.

"Victoria...Zane has that thing planned for you in an hour and a half. If you still want to go that is."

I know what he's talking about. She has an appointment since they found out she's been hurting herself.

"Любовь...do you still want to go with Jay and Zane? You only have like and hour to get ready." (Love)

Since she wasn't answering Javan I figured I would try.


I heard her mumbled.

"Then you need to get ready. Come on let's get up."

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