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A low rumbling preceded a loud bang. The bed started shaking, fire flashing through the closed curtains. Anakin jolted awake, heart pounding and hands grappling for the backpack by his bed. War had come, the building was crumbling, he never got to say –

A wet tongue licked his cheek. His eyes adjusted to the fiery sunlight peeking over his curtains, and he put a hand out to stop Luke from jiggling the bed so much. He managed a weak laugh, scooping his hungry dog into his arms.

"You gave me a fright, buddy," he murmured. "Is your sister still here?" He peered out the door Luke had thoughtfully left wide open. "She must have gone back to her people."

Placing his dog on the carpet, he threw off the covers and threw on some clothes. Sneaking into the bathroom that doubled as a laundry, he grabbed his favourite, freshly-cleaned hoodie, pulling it over his head. Stuffing his hands into the front pocket, he padded down the hall, careful not to wake his father as he crept past his door. He could hear his quiet snoring, so evidently he had made it home with no troubles. Luke trotted at Anakin's heels, the tiny bell that was attached to his red collar jingling quietly.

Anakin grabbed himself some breakfast, then fed Luke. He left some food in the bathroom for Leia, double checking that the window was partly open. Snatching his skateboard, he paused at the door, glancing back to the ever-loving eyes of his dog. He crouched down and unzipped his backpack, holding it open enough for Luke to scrabble in. Clipping his leash to his collar, he secured the leash to his backpack, then eased it onto his shoulders. "Comfortable?" he whispered. Luke licked his ear. He smiled. "Let's go."

It was five to nine when Anakin arrived at the garage. He waved to Aayla Secura, then raced around the back, gently putting his backpack at the far wall.

"You know we have lockers, right?" Rex questioned, rounding a corner.

"Good morning to you, too," Anakin retorted. "Thanks for not texting back last night."

"I was asleep. Like you should have been."

Anakin scowled at him for a moment before bringing the conversation back to lockers. "Of course I know we have them. I've got a special guest today."

As if on cue, Luke popped his head out the bag, nose twitching as Anakin let him out. He dashed as fast as his little legs could carry him, making as wide arcs as the leash would allow.

"That dog is going to escape one day," Rex commented, eyes catching Luke's every movement.

"He knows not to run too far from me," Anakin shrugged. "Besides, he's not clever enough to unlatch his lead from my bag, and it's too heavy for him to make off with it."

Rex cocked an eyebrow at Anakin, looking away from Luke for a split second. "You got a new project in there?"

Anakin watched him out of the corner of his eye. "I guess you could say that." By the time Rex had fully looked at him, Anakin was busy cleaning an engine.

Anakin finished his job in typically speedy time, closing the bonnet and looking around for what was next. But apart from one car on the hoist, the garage was empty. "Rex?" he called out, scanning the room. "Why is it so quiet today?"

"That's because of the war," Watto answered, appearing from nowhere. His beady eyes bore into Anakin, making him uncomfortable. Watto was unnerving at the best of times. "Wartimes make war crimes, and war crimes make price climbs. That's what I always say. If people pinch and pilfer because they can't afford to pay their rent or their fuel, that makes it more expensive for the honest ones. Businesses have to make a profit somehow." Having said his piece, he turned to leave. Then he spun around again, narrowing his gaze onto Anakin. "Don't even think about stealing anything. I'll find out." He clapped the cable belt in his hand against his other palm decisively. It wasn't an overt threat, but Anakin took the hint. Not that he would steal. His mother would be heartbroken.

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