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"Tala was Obi-Wan's mother?" Ahsoka repeated. She sat next to Anakin, scowling as he tried to sit up and get off the bed. "Don't move; you'll faint. And then I'll have to drag you right back onto the bed." She smiled when he quit struggling. "I don't see why that's an issue. I mean, she looks pretty young, but some people have kids young, and she could have been blessed with youthful genes."

"She died thirteen years ago."

"Oh. Oh, that is an issue." She fiddled with a loose braid, twirling the beads around in her fingers. "Okay, maybe she's a Mandalorian with the same name. 'Tala' isn't a Coruscanti name, so it could be quite popular in the Outer Rim countries."

"She knew Obi-Wan's real name, and she knew that we were brothers," Anakin pointed out. "I doubt he will have told many people that."

"Speaking of which, aren't we never supposed to say that name again?" she asked tentatively. "Isn't he 'Rako' forthwith and forever more?"

"He'll always be Obi-Wan to me," Anakin murmured before succeeding in sitting up. "I'm feeling a lot better."

Ahsoka didn't even grace him with a look, her disapproval tangible. "I'm going to find something to eat. I'm starving, and you probably are, too. Don't worry; I'll check with Tala first," she added as she left the room. "Don't even think about trying to escape," she called from the kitchen.

Of course, Anakin considered it, but he decided the physical expenditure of wrestling Ahsoka for his freedom wouldn't be worth it. Instead, he pushed himself against the headboard and hugged one knee to his chest. He could feel the cogs of his mind starting to spin out of control, so he hugged it a bit closer. He hated when this happened, but he was still learning to get a hold of his thoughts.

But he hadn't learned quite yet. Because where was Cody? Where were the troops? Had they won the battle? Had they defeated the Sith? Maybe the Sith had sprung upon them, and they had all been taken captive, or worse, killed. He might never see them again. He never got to tell Cody how much he appreciated him, and the boys, how much he trusted them and respected. And how would he ever tell Rex? His own brother had been killed in combat because Anakin couldn't stick to a simple plan, because his own arrogance and stubbornness had driven him to disobey orders and jeopardise everyone.

Anakin's other knee found its way against his chest, and he hugged it tightly. He missed Luke. His cute, loveable companion would have snuggled into his arm and licked his chin until he felt better.

How was Luke faring? Had Rex taken him home and fed him and cared for him? Loved him? Or had Luke wound up back with Qui-Gon? Qui-Gon .... What must he think of Anakin? Was he disappointed? Was he worried? Did he even think about Anakin anymore, or had he moved on with life, acquainting himself further with that redhead Shaak Ti? Was he even alive still? Maybe Coruscant had been attacked, and his father had been killed, too. Why, he could have been enlisted! He might have died on the frontlines!

The possibilities were endless, and the conclusions upsetting. Anakin could have sat there for hours, but something cold and damp dropped onto his arm, pulling him back to reality.

"I found pizza!" Ahsoka was saying as she flopped next to Anakin, balancing a plate with a mini pizza and a box of chilled apple juice. "I also found juice. I was sure you'd catch yours, so I threw it at you from the doorway; I guess I was wrong."

"I was lost in thought," he responded quietly, munching into his own mini pizza. He hadn't realized how hungry he was.

"Thinking about Rako, I suppose. I found these in the freezer," she rambled on contentedly. "This lady has a lot of food, and all of it is super healthy, so I really had to dig for these. I'm sure these juice boxes are half-diluted with water, though," she added, wrinkling up her nose.

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