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"We are at your service, Duchess Bo-Katan Kryze."

The duchess inspected them for a long moment, her intelligent green eyes sweeping over them slowly. The freckles dusting her high cheekbones crinkled tiny wrinkles in her young face as it twisted in mild disgust. She straightened to standing, her long skirt parting in the middle to reveal navy tights around toned calves. She descended the stairs gracefully, unconcerned by the uneasiness of her guards, and approached the kneeling figures. Stopping in front of Cody, she leaned forwards, her short, ginger hair falling into her face. The moonlight, sneaking through the large windows all around, reflected off her glossy curls and lit up her dilated pupils with an uncanny glint.

Still, a word had not passed from her parted lips, the silence ringing painfully through the massive, columned chamber. Her fingers twitched, the corner of her brow creased, and she reached out her hand and smacked Cody across the cheek. "Republic scum," she hissed, then proceeded to backhand Appo. Her hand stopped short of hitting Anakin when he jerked his head to the side. Instead, she grabbed his jaw lightly, forcing him to look at her. "I didn't know they started them so young." She let go and stepped backwards, returning to her throne and flicking out her skirts to sit down elegantly. "I never asked for your help."

Cody exchanged glances with Anakin and Appo before venturing with, "but we received specific orders from Premier Palpatine —"

"I never asked for your help!" the Duchess roared. "Get out of my land before I make you!"

Anakin could see Cody's shoulders slumping, could hear him wondering how his men would last another indefinite hike. "Then the Sith have not invaded?" he said quickly, making everyone stare at him.

A imperceptible grimace on Bo-Katan's face confirmed Anakin's suspicions. "I didn't ask for Republic aid. Need I remind you of Mandalore's fierce neutrality?"

"You needn't, Highness," Anakin answered diplomatically. "Just like I don't need to remind you of how fiercely you want to protect that neutrality."

The tiniest flicker burned in her eyes before she schooled it with professionalism. "You are correct, young knave."

"I'm just a soldier," Anakin corrected her.

"Then why are you speaking to me? Do you attempt to insult me?"

"He is not just any soldier, Duchess," Cody interjected. "He is one of the 212th's best, maybe even the Republic's best. I would like to present to you Captain Anakin Jinn," he finished, watching Anakin proudly.

Anakin flushed with embarrassment. He would have to thank Cody for the promotion later.

Bo-Katan didn't seem impressed, but perhaps intrigued. "And how should that affect me?"

"He knows his strategies," Cody affirmed. "And if you want to keep your neutrality, his advice is the surest set up for victory." When she still seemed dubious, Cody added hesitantly, "The Premier requested specifically that Jinn accompany us on this mission."

Anakin looked sharply at Cody, but his gaze was fixed to Bo-Katan.

" ... that Anakin Jinn is part of the ...."

Was that why his name had been mentioned on the paper? But why would the Premier have to ask that Anakin would join this mission? Wouldn't he have been going already?

" ... accepts your assistance," Anakin zoned back into the conversation as Bo-Katan was handing back to Cody the paper with their orders on it. "But only on the condition that you help us, then leave immediately." Her eyes burned almost as hotly as her red hair.

"We have every intention of leaving the moment our business is concluded," Cody responded, bowing low.

"And on that note," Anakin jumped in, watching Bo-Katan to avoid Cody's intense gaze, "let us begin strategizing right away, while our men rest and recover their strength. Where would be most convenient for their accommodation?" He knew he was pushing it — the Duchess likely wanted them to begin fighting immediately — but the troops were exhausted, and their success depended on their unity and strength.

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