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I was working on poses and this happened. Reader gets shaggy hair because I didn't feel like drawing eyes


"Holy shit" (Y/n) whispered when the two got downstairs. Neither of Kusuo's parents were awake yet and the two were on their way to school. Kusuo seemed indifferent to the fact that everything in the living room and kitchen had been uprooted and thrown about. 

"What happened?" He asked. It was rhetorical, however Kusuo answered it anyway. 'If I had to guess,' he narrowed his eyes at the mess, 'I did'. With that, he turned his back to the chaos and headed to the door.

If that's what he did when we kissed, imagine the destruction when we-- "I hate myself" (Y/n) muttered absentmindedly. 'What?' Kusuo asked. A nervous laugh escaped the boy, "That-- uh.." His smile dropped and he focused his gaze off to the side, "That was supposed to stay in my head".

"What do we tell your parents?" He asked, trying to change the subject. And here I thought I couldn't get any more awkward around him. 'No need. I turned back time on the house' Kusuo answered.

Their hands brushed against each other ever-so-slightly. The movement caught (Y/n)'s attention and before he could think about it, he hooked their pinkies together. He was not entirely sure where to go after what happened that night, but that seemed like a good place to start. 

Unlike (Y/n), the psychic seemed completely unbothered by the previous night's events. Whether it was because he was genuinely unbothered by it or simply good at hiding it was a mystery of it's own.

Although, apparently Kusuo agreed. He pulled away, only to return a heartbeat later to take (Y/n)'s hand in his own. (Y/n) could not help the faint, giddy smile that appeared on his face. 

(Y/n) still could not fully understand why Kusuo decided he was worthy of love when the most sought after girl in school was fawning over him to no avail. Not that he was complaining, but it still confused him. 

He dismissed the thought before he could think too hard. The point was, he was holding hands with Kusuo and somehow not dissolving into a fanboying, mushy mess. He would consider that a win.


It took Kusuo well into the next day to accept what happened. It was not as if he regretted any of it-- on the contrary, he enjoyed it much more than he thought he would. 

During school, they acted mostly as they always did. (Y/n) always had been the touchier of the two, so when they showed up hand in hand, pretty much everyone wrote it off as the boy finally wearing down Kusuo's defenses. 

Well, they're technically correct, but they don't need to know that. Do not get him wrong; Kusuo was happy about their new.. whatever their relationship was-- he made a mental note to ask (Y/n) about it later--, however that did not mean he was prepared for the attention it would bring if their classmates found out. 

(Y/n) was certainly in a better mood than usual. His doodles that littered the edges of his notebooks reflected that. Their typical sharp, defined lines were more flowey and looked more akin to anime and rubber hose's love child.

Even the weird static wall that blocked out his thoughts seemed lighter-- more welcoming. Kusuo found it rather calming and used it throughout the day to drown out his classmates' loud thoughts.

Despite Kusuo's attempts to not, (Y/n)'s good mood had began rubbing off on him. 


School dragged on just as it did every day. Even with (Y/n)'s good mood, the day was a long one. Eventually, however, it ended and the (h/c) haired boy certainly was glad when it did. The end of the day meant movie night with Kusuo (per (Y/n)'s request, of course).

Now all they had to do was get home and-- "Oh, hey Saiki! (Y/n)!" a happy voice called. Chiyo was quick to catch up to them, mostly because (Y/n) stopped for her. Kusuo seemed reluctant, but there was not much he could do without leaving (Y/n) behind.

'She's planning something' Kusuo warned. No kidding. (Y/n) did not require psychic abilities to be able to tell the girl had something up her sleeve. "Can I borrow you for a moment?" She asked, directing the question towards (Y/n).

(Y/n) nodded before looking over to Kusuo, "Do you mind waiting for me?" Kusuo shrugged and (Y/n) followed after Chiyo. She led the boy to one of the less popular stairwells. 

"Um.. I don't mean to dig into your personal life, but are you dating Saiki?" she asked. If (Y/n) had to guess, this probably translated to: I really like Saiki, but I don't want to ruin your possible relationship by asking him out. 

"No" His answer was hesitant and he furrowed his eyebrows, "I mean.. I don't think so?" Chiyo seemed to perk up at his confusion-- at the possibility of relationship drama. "What do you mean?" She asked, tiling her head to the side.

"I mean, we hug and cuddle, but that's just bro stuff" He waved it off simply because he too was guilty of some good ol' fashioned snuggles with the boys, "But, we've also kissed and kinda confessed our love for each other, but in a weird way". 

"So.. You are dating?" Chiyo concluded. "Well... Maybe? I dunno.. We've never actually outright said whether we're actually dating or not" To that, Chiyo gave him a dumbfounded look. (Y/n) nodded and looked disappointed in himself. "Yeah" He sighed, "I hear it now".

"Well.. Thanks, Chiyo" He said with a smile. "No problem. Oh, good luck with your boyfriend!" She chirped. (Y/n) could not help but smile when she referred said that. "Thanks. You too" He responded. She seemed less enthusiastic about her own boyfriend.

Seriously? I was able to understand some of the logic of traveling across universes, but I have yet to grasp the concept of high school romance. Because of course. 

Kusuo was waiting at the entrance of the school. 'So what did she want?' He asked, 'Her thoughts were jumbled and surprisingly confusing'. (Y/n) shrugged, "Not much. She was just asking about random stuff". Kusuo nodded and did not ask any more questions.

Chiyo's words plagued (Y/n)'s brain as they walked back to Kusuo's house. "Hey, umm... I have a question" he blurted without thinking. The psychic looked over to him. 

"Erm..." Shit.. "I-I was just wandering... If you liked horror moves". GODDAMN IT!! 'They're alright' Kusuo answered, 'Not really scary, but they're okay'. "T-then I know of a good movie for us to watch" (Y/n) said. 

As I said this morning, I hate myself.


I got a hecking binder :D *Happy trans boy noises* 

Oh and I meant to say this a few chapters ago, but would anyone be up for a q&a? You'd be able to ask me or any of the characters stuff and gotta love that I'm just explaining a q&a. So, yeah. If you'd be up for that, I'll have it at the end of the next chapter. 

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