4. Friend

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Harry looked up as Gil returned.
"Thank god yoi came back... I tried calli g you but you left your phone here." he said and Gil looked at him.
"...you were worried?"
"Sort of... Since you did hurt yourself in the past when you got upset with your brothers and once when Uma got furious at you for... I can't remember what. Hell, where were you? Uma, Jay, Carlos, Mal, Evie and your brothers had no clue where you were."
Gil looked at the floor as he mumbled his reply.
"You. Did. Not." Harry said and Gil looked at him.
"I- I knew Uma would've been on your side since we had a fight, Jay was hanging out with Lonnie. Carlos was busy with studying, Evie was busy with her design studio thingy and I'm slightly scared of Mal..." he said and Harry looked at Gil.
"You hung out with the engaged straight guy with who you're in love with." Harry stated and Gil looked at Harry, wanting to reply as his eye felt on something else.
"Harry, why is Fluff her cage open?" Gil asked and Harry turned around to see that the Bunny's cage was open... and empty.
"I- I have no idea..." Harry mumbled.
"She can't be far right? She was here before I left-- I--"
"Gil, relax. We're gonna look for her, okay?" Harry said and both boys went outside again.

Ben walked onto the campus the next day and he felt weird. Mal just greeted him and kissed him but it didn't feel right, yet he pretended it did.
"Morning." Ben said with a fake smile and Mal smiled.
"Hey, so any chance you have the 3rd period free?"
"I eh... I'm not sure. But I'll text you okay? I gotta run by Fairy godmother's office real quick."
"Okay, I'll see you later." Mal said with half a frown and Ben hurried away.

"I'm sorry mate." Harry said as he sat down with Gil in the classroom.
"It's not your fault..." Gil mumbled softly and Harry sighed.
"Well, you're pretty down, which I get... But I'm tryin' to cheer you up a bit."
"Then maybe you should've not suggested to get a new bunny."
"Sorry... I meant well..."
Gil shrugged and class started.

"Hey guys!" Evie said with a smile as Gil and Harry walked to the rest of the group.
"Hi..." Gil mumbled.
"Something wrong?" Carlos asked.
"Last night his bunny escaped and when we went outside looking for it..." Harry said but he trailed off as he saw Gil's expression change.
"Are you alright?" Ben asked and Gil sighed.
"We watched her get run over by a car. She was basically immediately dead... So I suppose I should be glad that she didn't suffer much..." he mumbled.
"I'm so sorry..." Mal said with empathy.
"So what did you do with the dead rabbit?" Uma asked.
"Bunny." Gil snarled.
"Same thing." Jay shrugged.
Gil stood up and left with his backpack.
"Gil--" Harry tried but he knew it wouldn't help.
"Seriously Uma? That was mean." Evie said.
"What's the difference between a dumb rabbit or a bunny anyway?" Jay asked.
"See!" Uma said and Carlos sighed.
"Someone should check up on Gil."
"Well Harry and Gil had a fight last time when Gil had some troubles..." Uma said and Mal turned to Ben.
"You're a nice guy. Maybe you should check up on Gil." she suggested.
"I don't think that-" Harry said but Uma shut him up.
"Go on beasty boy, use your preppy AK vibes on Gil." she said and Ben hesitated but did go after Gil.

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