16. Oh damn...

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Harry held his sword defensively in front of him as Beast-Ben was about to attack him.
What Harry didn't see was that Uma, despite the fact she was bleeding and dizzy, grabbed her necklace and spelled Ben back into human.
"...what the hell?" Ben mumbled as he was back to human and Harry sighed relieved.
Uma gritted her teeth in pain as she felt her cheek and blood dripped down her chin.
Ben his eyes widened and he apologised quickly. Meanwhile Harry stood there, wanting to rush to Uma, making sure she was fine... But the bigger part of him was still very, very upset with her since she pretended to love him for five fucking years.
"...is everyone still alive?" Gil's voice asked softly and Harry looked at his bestfriend.
"Yea, everyone is alive... I'm sorry about earlier mate." he said and Gil shrugged.
"I'm gonna get an icepack." Uma said and Ben looked at her.
"Maybe go see a doctor instead...?"
"...fine." Uma said as she grabbed a clean cloth and held it to her face.
"What happend...?" Gil asked.
"Karma." Harry spat as soon as Uma left.
"Wait, what time is it?" Ben asked in full panick and Harry looked at him.
"You're seriously asking me that?"
"Sorry-- God I--"
"It's 20.45." Gil said and Ben looked at him.
"Oh crap. I got to go. I have fifteen minutes to get back since I-"
"-promised Chip to help him with his homework. Yea you've said that already tonight." Harry said and Ben rushed a hand through his hair.
"Please let me know if Uma is alright?" he asked and Harry nodded once after a moment of hesitation and Ben rushed away.

Gil and Harry walked away from the ship together and Gil looked at Harry.
"...what was even the point of tonight?"
"I'm going to be honest with you mate. Uma and I wanted to make sure that you and Ben got together..." Harry admitted.
"First of all, you two like eachother and literally kind of know it from one another, yet you're still not together. Swcondly, because you deserve someone who'd treat you like you're worth... And Ben would do that. Thirdly, I don't want to see you alone much longer."
Gil hugged Harry, who chuckled uncomfortably but he did hug him back.
"I take back what I said back then, you're the best friend in the world!!" Gil said and Harry looked at him.
"I'm not. And I know that I'm not. I've been to focussed with Uma that I let you down multiple times. But I'll try to be from now on." Harry said and Gil had a huge smile.

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