9. Oh my lord...

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The entire group stood behind Ben... Mal  Evie, Carlos, Jay, Uma, Harry, Gil, Audrey, Doug, Jane, Lonnie and Chad.
They saw how he dropped on his knees, crying and screaming.
The AK's were confused and concerned, Mal ran towards Ben and Harry subtlety grabbed Gil's arm to prevent him from going to Ben as well. No one else noticed it thoigh since they were all focussed on Ben.
"Ben, please talk to me..." Mal almost begged.
"What's the point? I'd make you feel bad for me now... While I'd hurt you eventually..." Ben said and Mal looked at him.
"I- What do you mean?"
"...My dad killed my mom, he beasted out... Because of something which will hurt you too and it's something I should've said before..." Ben said and Mal glanced towards the group for a brief moment before turning back to Ben.
"I'm sure it can't be that bad..." she assured him and Harry eyed at Gil, he knew exactly what Ben was referring to since Gil had told him.
"I'm sorry..." was all Ben said and Mal was confused as hell.
"Ben, what the hell is going on...?"
"I can't alright. I can't marry you anymore neither be with you." Ben spit and Mal her heart cracked on the spot.
The core four went from being worried to being pissed, while Uma was conflicted whenever she should laugh at Mal or slap Beasty boy.
"...are you saying this now because of your parents situation because--" Mal tried and Ben got up.
"No it's not. My parents situation started because of this. I... I killed my mom thanks to this... If I hadn't..." but he trailed off as his eyes glanced at Gil for a very short moment.
"Why did you look at Gil?" Lonnie asked and Ben felt busted.
"What did we miss?" Carlos asked.
"...Ben?" Mal asked and Ben felt his heart racing.
"I... I wasn't... I..."
His hamds were shaking and Evie sighed.
"Maybe just... Split up for now alright... I think Ben should figure things out before it would escalate further because he'd say the wrong thing." Evie said but she did try to comfort Mal, of course she was on her side.
"Mal I--"
"Just don't Ben." Jay snarled and Harry actually had to push Gil forward to make sure he would walk away from Ben too, while Bem thoigh Gil left himself... feeling even more hurt.

The funeral of Belle was the day after and Ben felt like all his safety was burried with her. All the parental love, support and everything felt gone. His father never cared much for his personal decisions.
And now his father was locked up, his kother was dead...
No friends left...
Maybe Jane though... And he was hoping for Gil too...
Audrey and Chad would be on his side too perhaps... Lonnie and Doug cared too much for Jay, Mal, Evie and Carlos right now to be on his side.
He wouldn't even dare to think about how Harry and Uma would think about this right now...

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