15. Oh crap-- Oh crap!!

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Uma was busy throwing Harry's shit in a garbage bag, which she wanted to throw overboard, as Harry came in.
"Look, sorry about that. But come on..." he said and Uma looked at him.
"Come on? What the hell tou mean with that!?"
"What do you think? I know I can be out of line but this time were you! Hell Gil was scared of us thanks to the arguing."
"Gil is dumb, he wouldn't even get the hint of the set up if we would've been subtle."
"He is not the brightest, but he is not dumb."
"Oh right, because you are. 19 years old, still can't count."
"Oh I'm not done yet!" Uma fired and she looked at Harry.
"You can't tell time from a clock, you can barely read and guess what? You are stupid enough to think that I actually love you!" Uma shouted and Harry felt tears burn behind his eyes as his heart cracked on the spot.
"I know I can't count, neither the time telling. Reading is hard yea, but you and I both know that I have dyslexia. But that you pretended to love me for years, playing with my feelings. Knowing that everyone I once loved either died or left me for dead... You are truly through and through evil..." Harry said calmly, while dying on the inside.
As Uma was going to say something, Harry had already left, leaving Uma alone with her thoughts.

While no five minutes later a huge beast crahsed into her cabin, pushing her to the ground while growling in her face a lot.
"...Ben?!" Uma said as she saw the look in his eyes and before she could use a spell, he snarled her necklace off of her and threw it aside.
"...oh shit." Uma said softly, being actually a bit afraid of Ben, for once.

Harry whiped his sleeve over his face/eyes as he walked towards the Hook house.
"Harry! Harry!" Gil's voice yelled and Harry quickly tried to regather himself before turning around.
He saw Gil with a freighted and worried look on his face.
"Gil, what is it?"
"Ben... Beasting... Ship..." Gil said as he was out of breath.
"...what?" Harry said with confusion.
"Ben beasted out in anger and went to the ship..."
"...Uma." Harry said softly and he took off running.
"I'll catch up with you...!" Gil said after him as he tried to catch his breath.

"Oh god..." Uma whimpered as Beast-Ben his fangs were awfully close to her face.
He growled again and his paws kept her shoulders to the ground.
"I'm sorry alright!" Uma almost screamed and Ben actually attacked her, by clawing her across the face.
Uma yelled and gritted her teeth in pain as she heared Harry calling out in the distance.
"Uma!?" his voice yelled and he was there not a minute later.
"He's even bigger then back in the forest..." Harry mumbled softly but he did take out his sword, kind of unsure how to help Uma without killing the king of Auradon.
Luckily and unluckily for him, Beast-Ben released Uma and turned to him.
"...crap." Harry said and Beast-Ben growled deeply.

If only... {💯%}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon