17. The day after...

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Ben sighed as he walked to school.
Last night was a total disaster... and chaos... a lot of chaos...
Harry did text him to tell him that Uma was fine, a few stiches and some bandage.
Ben felt horrible about it but he was also still kinda pissed at the both of them for making Gil feel miserable.
"Hi." a voice said behind Ben and he jumped.
"Ah-! Oh Gil... I didn't hear you..." Ben said and Gil chuckled under his breath.
"...can I ask you something?" he asked and Ben looked at him.
"Yea, of course."
"Last night Harry said some things... and there's been something which I've been thinking about a lot..." Gil started and Ben felt his cheeks burn slightly, despite the fact that Gil didn't say much weird stuff yet.
"And during the Valentinesday gala... when we were sitting outside... when you kissed me... I eh..."
Gil was struggling with his words and Ben took a deep breath before just cupping Gil's face in his hands and kissing him properly this time.
"Is this what you meant?" Ben asked with a smile an Gil kissed him again.
"I've been in love with you for a long time now... I knew you were with Mal and Harry d- did tell me to stay away from you when I first told him but--"
"It's alright... don't worry..." Ben assured Gil and he looked at him.
"Does that mean that we're now boyfriends...?" Ben asked and Gil smiled.
"I hope so?"
"Good." Ben said with a brief chuckle.
"Very good." Gil said and he chuckled briefly too.
"So... now what?" Gil asked after a while and Ben looked at him.
"Have you ever been on a date?" he asked and Gil looked at him.
"What's that?"
"Eh... I'll show you. Meet me at the enchanted lake tonight at 6.30. Okay?" Ben asked and Gil nodded.
They kissed once more before they both headed to their own classes.

"Nice going." Harry said with a smirk as he saw Gil entereing the classroom with red cheeks.
"Shut up." Gil sissed and Harry chuckled.
"So... did you guys kiss?"
"Harry-!!" Gil sissed.
"...so yes."
"Please shut up!" Gil sissed as he tried to hide his smile.
"Oh come on, no need to be embarrassed for kissing someone... We both know I've done worse."
"...you're annoying."
"Oh I know." Harry said with a grin and both of them chuckled.

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