Pt 8 exam preparation

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Light yagami POV

"Dissatisfied with class D?"said horikita
thinking the question was stupid.

I spoke up "I wouldn't say I'm dissatisfied due to the fact the this school operates as a meritocracy we could overtake other classes as ms chabashira said"

"You must be crazy the point gap between classes is large why would anyone be ok with a wrong evaluation"

I simply responded "with all due respect if you think too negatively it'll hinder you're ability to think. Let's face it as students we don't wield much power it would be more productive to focus on improving what we can"

"Tch even so I refuse to acknowledge I have a defect"

Chabashira said "your self evaluation Is far too high just know your placement in class D is well deserved"

"What about you light? Do you turely believe that everyone in class D is defective if so what would you say  your defect is?" Said chabashira putting me on the spot.

Ryuk who had seemed to find the conversation quite Boreing shoot up and said "ohhoho finally something interesting"

"I can't speak for others in my class but not everyone is blessed with amazing talents. I can acknowledge if I were to point out a defect in me it would probably have something to do with my upbringing ideology and when I say I'll follow them to the bitter end I wholeheartedly mean it I don't see it as a defect but can acknowledge how others would"

Justice, soon the whole world will understand its value.

"So are you saying you believe you have no defects?"

"No of course not no "human" is perfect it's just that everyone is different and everyone should strive to be the best version of themselves. That being said all I told you was what I thought could be seen as my "defect"

Chabashira showing a slight smile said "that's quite the instriting take.However Horikita the fact remains that student class placements can't be changed and we will leave it at that it's almost time for a faculty meeting. so please step outside"

With that me and horikita left and and were walking together.

"First, I want to ascertain this school's true motives. Why was I put into Class D? Chiyabashira-sensei said I'd been deemed a Class D student, but why? When I discover the answer, I'll aim for A. No, I will definitely make it to A."

"That's good if you're trying to do something that could be seen as crazy you need a positive attitude, the situation we're in is quite unfavorable we need to help change our classmates for the better because as things are we stand no chance"

"You're being oddly compliant,"

Me and horikita are very different so the best thing I can do is establish common ground
"Our goals aline perfectly. The want and need to reach Class A by helping the others reform to be better both of our goals are met I get to help people while at the same time getting closer to reaching class A"

"Well today sure was productive but I have something I need to attend to so I'll see you later" I said as I left

I started leaving in the direction of the cafeteria.

Getting horikita on my side will be useful she holds the same ambitions to reach class A more importantly she's a lot more willing to go through with plans even if it's underhanded as long as it gets results.

Thanks to kushida I've been able to keep sudou and the others in check but that's only a temporary solution it won't last forever I'll have to make them change their ways with time if that fails I might have to resort to expulsion but that's a last resort such a move would damage morale.

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