pt 11 witness search

710 30 6

Light's POV.

“Good morning, everyone. You all seem more restless than usual today.”
Chabashira-sensei strode into the classroom as the homeroom bell rang.

“Sae-chan-sensei! Why did we get zero points this month?! When I checked this morning, I didn’t see a single point deposited into my account!” asked a concerned ike

“Oh, so that’s why you’re all so restless?”

"So no more apples" cried Ryuk.

“We worked ourselves half to death this past month! We passed the midterm, so why are we still at zero points?! No one’s been late or absent, and no one’s talked during class, either!” added ike a little mad.

“Don’t jump to conclusions. Listen to what I have to say first. You’re correct, Ike. You have all worked harder than ever before. I recognize that. Naturally, the school understands fully well how you all feel.”

After being admonished by the teacher, Ike shut his mouth and sat back down.

“Well then. Without further ado, here are this month’s point totals.”

She put a paper up on the board that listed the point values, starting with Class A at the top. Excluding Class D, all of the other classes had nearly 100 more points than last month. Class A now sat at 1004 points, slightly above where everyone had started when we were admitted.

“This isn’t good. Could they have figured out a way to increase their point total?!” responded a concurred horikita

"So light do you have any clue as to why  your class is still behind" asked Ryuk in A mocking manner

My neighbor, Horikita Suzune, appeared solely focused on the other classes. However, Ike and most of the other Class D students didn’t care much about the other classes’ points. The important question for them was whether we had received more class points. That was it.

Something was odd we should of received our points by now because I  know for a fact that our class isn't at zero class points

"Knowing this class however if wouldn't surprise me if they pulled of a miracle" said Ryuk

In fact we had actually gone up 87 class points.

“Huh? Wait, 237? Does that mean we actually went up? Yahoo!”
Ike excitedly jumped up and down the instant he saw our score.

“It’s too early to celebrate. All the other classes saw a similar increase in their points. We didn’t close the distance at all. This might just be a reward first-year students receive for getting through the midterm. Every class seems to have gotten at least 100 points.” said horikita shuting ike's Hope down

Our class saw the lowest increase in points.

I spoke up "sensei we haven't received any points and according to other people outside of class D they also didn't receive anything so I'm curious is there a technical issue in the way"

“Well, this time there was a little trouble. The first-year students’ point distribution has been delayed. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to wait a bit longer,” she said.

“Huh? Seriously? If this is the school’s fault, then shouldn’t we get some kind of bonus as compensation?” said yamauchi.

The students grumbled in discontent. Once they found out that they would be getting their points, their attitudes had changed dramatically.

“Don’t blame me. This was the school’s decision, there’s nothing I can do about it. Once the trouble has been resolved, you’ll receive your points. If there are still points left, that is.”

Classroom of The Elite Light yagami Where stories live. Discover now