Bumble Bee

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His face was always full of crinkly smiles

More than just a little twinkle in his eye

He said, Honey, you are my Bumble Bee...

Dream your fairy tale and you will see...

He said:

Build your castles high into the sky

I will paint them all for you and that's no lie

I bought a boat, painted all in cream

Princess, make your wish, I'll catch your dream...

My Princess, make your wish, I'll catch your dream

Guess his fishing ground was far across the sea

Because the only thing I have left is a picture of dad and me

Smiling down there at me, my little hand in his

Now Bumble prays, with his photo, on her knees

He said:

Build your castles high into the sky

I will paint them all for you and that's no lie

I bought a boat, painted all in cream

Princess, make your wish, I'll catch your dream...

My Princess, make your wish, I'll catch your dream

Daddy will you come for me

One day for your Bumble Bee

I built the castles in the sky

Now come and please don't lie.

Sometimes I wonder if he still remembers us

Momma Jo and me, waving from the bus

On a shopping trip or a visit to a friend

He left us behind, his boat sails in the wind...

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