Nice is not my colour

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It is not that I can't forgive you

It's not because you made me blue

For all the times that you forgot about me

It's for all the little things you didn't see

Being together simply means that

Monogamy is a choice not a fact

It's not because you never send me flowers

Made we wait on you for many, hours

It's that nice is not my colour

And Cheaters blew your cover

Incomprehensible as it may seem

You're no cat's Miaow, my future or my dream

You're no longer my special shade of blue

Nice is not my colour, and that's the truth

You strut the streets like an alley cat

Like the prince of darkness or a rat

Faithfull means forever, look it up

not playing around like you aren't getting enough

For all the pain that you have put me through.

There is One thing that I know is true

You're the serpent that lured me with the fruit

Now I'll be wearing you as my snakeskin boots

It's that nice is not my colour

And Cheaters blew your cover

Incomprehensible as it may seem

You're no cat's Miaow, my future or my dream

You're no longer my special shade of blue

Nice is not my colour, and that's the truth

Go, go, away with you it is

Don't make me

say that word..

Don't make me say please! 

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