Just let me walk away

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It's been a long time since we really talked

Silences dragged us too far off our course

Better than you, I'll never find again

This has been a long time coming my friend

So please let me walk away

Before embers of hate and resentment stay

To burn away all and every wish

And memories fade into a darkened mist

So please let me walk away

There's no hope that I would stay

politeness turns our past into blame

To leave us with a bitter shame

Just let me walk away

Some things had to be said

Others should have stayed delayed

When tempers flare and we're ashamed

If we talk trash and calling names

Just let me walk away

Time heals all, we know the truth

Some things sting, other's sooth

But heated moments rarely put hurt at bay

Rather than this continue if we stay

For now, let me walk away.

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