Let go and Let God

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She would hide the bottle in her closet

Under her clothes with her momma's locket

Eat a peppermint or a piece of chocolate

Praying someone would not know about it

When her little girl came stumbling on the empties

she made excuses and explanations plenty

those blue eyes cried, tears falling from her lashes

Shocked the demons ghosts all from the ashes

Then she remembered

the preacher said in his last sermon

He loves us all we are never a burden

If you're prepared to share the load

Do the steps, stay on the road

We all know that we are flawed

Bend the knee, let go and let God

For years he would tell them it's no problem

Just a stress relieve to deal with being jobless

Tomorrow will be better; he'll try a little harder

Just listen to me now I am your father

In an instant it was gone all he had treasured

His son and wife, their blood were on the pavement

The car an empty skeleton of wreckages metal

The bottle won the fight the score was settled

Then he remembered

Mamma warned him long ago one summer

Son you have to deal with this and the hunger

God loves us all; you have to share the load

do the steps, stay on the road

We know that we are flawed

Bend the knee, Let go and let God

No one can drink away the hurt and all the devils

They're drinking with you every drop of liquid evil

You'll be amazed and forever stand in awe

If you let go, just let go and let God

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