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"Matterhorn Ski Paradise!" Ullr shouted at the Swiss Alps, as he prepared for his first run down the hill, "Hear me and rejoice. I, Ullr, god of the snow, son of Sif, stepson of Thor, am going to make my way down the skiing area with the greatest speed anyone has ever seen." Sadly, no one seemed to bat an eye. Someone called from behind, "Quit showing off, numb-head." Ullr turned to see a middle aged redhead saying it. He seemed to have taken a few drinks of warmth inside, and was losing it. His accent seemed like he was German. Ullr's temper shot up, and he could just incinerate this nobody, but his parents had taught him otherwise. Thor would tell him to break the guy's nose, and then repair it. Sif would tell him to let it go. He thought, and then turned away, saying to himself, "Nothing is going to spoil my mood. Not a human, not a god, not a monster. Nothing." And so, he pierced his rods on the snow, gave the boards a push, and skied his way down the hill.

His skies caught superb pace. Divine pace, to be precise. It took him about ten seconds to climb down the hill, as he checked his watch. "9.53 seconds. I can do faster." He turned, and flew upwards, reaching the tip of the hill easily. As he turned to go down the way he did, he saw the sky grow dark, saw lightning flash in the sky, and heard thunder boom. "Ah, deity!" He said, unhappily, "Here we go."

As soon as he turned to see behind him, the lightning stopped, and Matterhorn Ski Paradise was lighted up by bright Sunny light. However, a new person stood behind him now. He wore thick leather boots, thick grey furry jacket, and a nice pair of goggles. His red hair flew around in the cold Alpine winds, while his red long beard had been properly trimmed. His hammer still smelled of ozone, as his glowing white eyes returned back to the electric blue. Ullr knew the man very well, so well that the first change in his face he noticed, he remarked about it, asking, "Did you put gel in your beard?"

His stepfather replied, "No. Hair mousse." He walked beside him, as he waved his fingers. Beside him, skiing materials appeared. "Why are you here, Thor?" Ullr asked, surprised since Thor had never joined him on a father-son skiing outing. "About time, don't you think?" Thor replied. He put his arm around Ullr in affection, making Ullr smile. Yes, he liked his stepfather. The two weren't super close like Sif was to Magni and Modi, but Thor appreciated Ullr. He would never miss a family dinner. Once, he had decided to skip a family dinner to go playing Ice Hockey in Montreal, only for Thor to drag his behind to Asgard. 

Ullr spent most of his days in Midgard, in the colder regions. He had built himself a nice house in Uppsala, and would travel anywhere he found snow. Of course, he was the snow god himself. He would always prefer to live in the snowy areas in Midgard. When it is summer in Uppsala, Ullr's home is always Ushuaia. And ever since Mani had touched Vespasa, he feels even closer towards Ushuaia. He had always invited his parents and his siblings over. Being the eldest of them all, Ullr has always stayed away from his parents. The glowing gold of Asgard has never attracted him, it was the white of snow that has mostly pulled him. Jotunheim was a place he hated to the core, despite the snow. Niflheim was just a little too boring. Midgard, however, had too much vibrancy. Ullr loved being there all the time. He also got favors from demigods around the world, specially because his stepfather was a highly loved deity in here.

As Thor ran down the hill, slightly disbalanced and shakily, Ullr stood up there, thinking why he was here. That is when it struck him. So, he took off behind the god of thunder. 

As he caught up with Thor, Ullr slowed himself to more of Thor's pace, who shouted, "I hate skiing!"

"So, why did you come here?" Ullr asked, shouting back.

"Hold on, let me get down!"

"Is it time?"

"Big time!" Thor shouted. Ullr slowed down even more, as he saw the strongest of his pantheon fall over headfirst on the ground, his head completely inside the thick dune of snow. Thor's body fell over, as his head came out of the snow, slashing out scraps of snow around everything, including the whole Ullr's face. Ullr rubbed his face off, and laughed. Thor got up, all ready to punch someone's face, and then, saw Ullr laugh. He mimicked the laugh and said, "See why I never join you in your adventures?"

"Ah!" Ullr slowed his laugh down, and asked, "What happened?"

And just like that, the fun moment turned serious. The derision on Thor's face turned to seriousness. "It is your time to choose, my son."

"Holy Christmas nuts!" Ullr said, "Why though?"

"Me, Freya, Mani, Sol, your mother, Njord, they've all chosen. You are the frost deity. You are the only one left."

Ullr felt disturbed. When he had come to Switzerland for a vacation, he had not thought that this would be something that needed covering now. Now, it was, and now, he had to go to that weird city of Pankhpur, find a champion, choose the champion, transfer that champion some of his powers, and then, leave that champion to find out pieces on his/her own. He turned towards the Alps, and said, "So long, Matterhorn." He turned back towards Thor and said, "Guess I'll have to enjoy the rest of my vacation in Kashmir, then."

He walked away from his stepfather, and then remembered something. He turned and asked, "What is the reason of this urgency, Thor?"

"The Norns have reappeared. They have the prophecy."

DIVINE CHAMPIONS 5: THE FROSTY FATESWhere stories live. Discover now