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The way behind was gone. The gate of Helheim was closed by the mist. Now, the five were standing on what were, perhaps, roots. The roots were super strong, like solid rocks. Anyone could walk on them like they were proper roads. They had taken their magic jackets off, as the area wasn't cold anymore. Mikael had even taken his coat off, his friends still wore theirs. "Very similar, huh?" Rishi asked Rick, who nodded. Aitri seemed to smell something, as she took a step forward, "I smell something." She said, "My fylgja is heightened here. Is yours?" She asked the others.

"Fylgja?" Mikael asked, "Our animal spirit?"

"Spirit animal, but yeah." Aitri replied, "We all know our fylgja. You would do well to start finding what yours could be. All of us have, at some point."

"Yes." Ishaan said, "Mine's a phoenix, Rishi is a wolf, Aitri is a lioness, and Rick's a fox."

"What could mine be?" Mikael asked.

"Good time to look into what describes you, mate." Rick said, "What are you really like? Nerdy, given you read stuff a lot. Smart, yes. Pretty-face? Yep. Start thinking." He forced out a smirk from Rishi and Aitri. As they walked on the roots, they reached a little gorge, with the road ahead covered in mist. "We go through here, I guess. Here, hold this." Rishi said, as he handed his bag to Ishaan, slipped through, and landed with a splash. Rick bent down and checked, "You alright in there, splasher?"

"Expected the water in here." Rishi shouted, whose voice echoed, "Its so nice and warm. I feel so comfortable, but its also very weirdly full of algae around here."

So, they all slid through, and hung by the rough walls inside. Then, Aitri picked Rick up and flew herself down, while Ishaan picked Mik up and brought him down. Ishaan looked around, and said, "This is a cenote. Didn't know there were cenotes in Hvergelmir." 

"Me neither." Aitri said, as she looked around, "This seems like the start of Hvergelmir. See?" She pointed towards the channel that flowed from the cenote and going down. Mikael took a few steps ahead and peeked down. The water that fell from the cenote met with the spring at a good height under it. The area around was bushy, and trees coming out of the roots of Yggdrasil seemed to cover the road ahead. He turned and saw Rishi come out of the water, shaking in cold. "Comi-hi-hi-ing out of the-ha-ha wat-ha-ha-er its so co-ho-ho-ld." He shivered, as he took off his T-shirt. "Go-hoo-hoo-od thing I alwa-he-he-ys co-ha-ha-me prepa-he-ha-red." He pulled out a set of clothes, a green sweatshirt and blue tight trousers. Mikael stared at what were absolutely god level ripped pecks. He took a peek at Aitri's face, who smiled dreamily looking at Rishi. He looked up, and made a weird face, before saying, "Guys, could you please turn away?"

"Yeah, right." Mikael turned away. Everyone followed, as Rishi helped himself. Once he was done, he called Aitri and asked for a towel. Aitri took out one, and handed it to him. He rubbed his hair against it, drying it and then, set it right with his hand. He tied his wet jacket by his waist. Then, he said, "Alright, lets get this over with."

"Where are we heading to?"

Rick took out the map disc, and turned it on. "It says that we pass through Hvergelmir, through more roots, Urdarbrunnr. Simple and easy."

"I only hope we don't face what I fear we might face." Mikael said.

"What are you talking about?" Aitri asked, "Muspelheim's giants?"

"Nope. They are stuff that we can deal with. But the ones who live around here are a problem."

"Yep." Rishi said, breathing deep, "They worry me too, but we stick together, alright?" Everyone nodded. Rishi continued, "Lets move on, then. And Mik, keep working on your fylgja. Something in me says that we would need it soon."

So, Aitri jumped down from the edge of the cenote, and flew down like a bird, minus the wings, and landed safely. She gave them a thumbs up, as Rishi picked Rick up and flew down. Then, Ishaan spread his wings, picked Mik up and flew down. They walked again. "I hate how much we have to walk during these quests." Rick said, "My legs hurt all the time."

"Sorry, Mr. Millionaire, I'll call an Uber for you." Rishi said.

"Shut up, Buffy the giant slayer." Rick's instant answer almost caught Mikael off guard, who laughed at the joke.

As they walked, Mikael thought of his fylgja. He closed his eyes trying to understand himself. What could his fylgja be? All he could come up with was his strong memory, his nerdiness when he sat to study, and his feeling of being majestic whenever he thought of his ancestry. He thought and thought, when he heard a voice, "Mik!" Mikael stopped and turned. This was a voice different from the one he had heard in Helvegr. This was warmer, calm, and hoarse. Mikael looked around, when he heard it again, "Mik!" Mikael stopped again. He asked the others, "Guys do you hear a voice?"

"No. Do you hear anything?" Ishaan asked.

"Yes, a man's voice. He is calling me."

"Is it his voice?" Aitri asked, her breath seemed to stop.

"No." Mikael said, to relax her, "Someone else. Much warmer, nicer and calmer."

"Then, pay heed to his words. See what he has to say. Open yourself slightly to him."

Mikael stood there and closed his eyes, expecting the man to speak again. To his relief, the man spoke again, "Mik!" Mikael thought in his mind, as if speaking telepathically, "Who are you?"

To his relief, the man heard him, and said, "You tell me. You have my blood running through your veins."


"Try again, child. Go even backwards in time."

The answer came to him right then. "Tyr!"

"There you go, boy." Tyr said, "I know it isn't nice that I'm not there in person. But you are family, Mikael Nyqvist. And I'm always looking out for you, and Maja. Know this."

"Thanks." Mikael spoke telepathically again, "I've got a slight help that I might need."

"Ask, child."

"Any idea what my fylgja could be?"

"I think you already know. You are descended from me, Mik. You can find your fylgja quicker than anyone else."

"Why don't you tell me?"

"No one can tell you your fylgja, for no one knows it for sure. It is something only you can find inside yourself."

"So, you can't help?"

"I can. I will. Here, a piece of advice. When you face Nidhogg, which you will soon, ask your friends to try to turn into their animal spirits. Nidhogg doesn't exactly like humans. It is better to appear in front of him in animal form."

"Is that possible?"

"It is. All they have to do is close their minds and think of their fylgja, picture it perfectly. And Mik, when you see Ratatoskr, do not let him get into your head. He's nothing but trouble. Don't fight him, he will split the very fabric of your mind. He loves doing that. Your animal form can hide your identity from Nidhogg, but it won't help against Ratatoskr. So, avoid his path if you can. Do you understand?"

"I do, Tyr."

"Great. Know one thing, Mikael. You are very important to the war. Without you, we will never win. Understand how much you mean to us, to me, dear great great great grandson."

"I will, my Lord."

"Good luck." And so, Tyr left Mik's mind. 

Mikael opened his eyes, and was about narrate everything to his friends, when Rick shouted, "Damn Berg's behind! We've been out for a whole Midgardian week!"

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