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Scary hot hands landed Mikael in a power plant. Now, finally, Mikael could breathe after the Hel of a fly ride. And also, he could see his abductor's face. Its body was made of coal like substances, while there were lines all over its body that looked like either nerves, or veins, or whatever was the term. Aitri could tell. Anyway, it looked like a volcano humanified. It looked at him intently, and said, in the same raspy voice, "This place has heat, I can feel it."

Mikael reacted and threw icicles at the creature, but it just pierced its skin, and melted. "Too much heat. Ice don't work on me in heat." Mikael looked around. This was some sort of power plant where they conserved the heat, and used it to form electricity. Yep, he was stuck then. "What do you want?"

"Your blood will rise our Lord. He's been asleep for ages. Now, we need him more than ever."

"So, kill me, I guess?"

"Not necessary. Once the Lord wakes, you living or dying won't matter. Just a splinter would do."

That was when Mikael saw four dark figures in the evening sky. One of them had wings. "Well, buddy," He said, his confidence rising, "I don't like the sound of this Lord of yours. So, I'm gonna pass."

The volcano guy sneered, as if looking down at him, "You mere Midgardian, you dare..."

"Yes. I do, slave of a lord." Mikael replicated the sneer, "Because you won't go back to whatever the volcanic place you came from."

"And who'll kill me? You?"

"Oh no no. I will just stand and watch the show." Behind the volcano guy, Rishi had taken his position. He had flown high close to the wires. He caught hold of them, and started drawing the electricity. The bolts flowed through his body, his eyes glowed white. The near clear twilight sky turned cloudy. Lightning pierced the sky, thunder bellowed across the city. The volcano made a screech sound. Soon, there were four more volcano guys simply appearing beside him. "Guys!" Rishi cried, as he simply struck electricity down the ground, keeping them away from Mikael. "Mik, if you can't hurt them, protect yourself. This isn't gonna be long."

The others jumped at the humanoid volcanoes like hungry wolves. Aitri spread her arms, flying high as she started sucking the air out of one. Soon, it lay dead. Rishi electrocuted one of them, and crushed the other under his foot. Rick drew a rune of water, drawing water from deep underground, completely extinguishing the fire inside one of the volcanic guys. Then, he summoned a big mace, and broke it off into pieces. Ishaan was dealing with the one that had brought Mikael here. While Mikael created a shield around himself, he saw Ishaan and the volcanic guy go head to head, but none of them striking anything. That's when it struck him. He was fire immune. All he needed was to take this dude away from the plant. "Ishy!" He shouted, "Take him away from the plant!" All he saw was Ishaan nod. He flapped his wings, held the creature by its hands, and flew away. Mikael followed him. Ishaan dropped the guy right outside the plant. "Leave the rest to me." Mikael said, as Ishaan came down, his wings retracted. The dude attacked, but Mikael caught its by its neck. Then, he summoned the frost. 

Mik didn't stop until the volcanic creature was completely covered by ice. Then, he kicked it, and it completely broke into pieces. There was nothing left of the volcanic dude. 

"Okay, not a great news." Aitri said, pacing around the Jacuzzi room in Rick's mansion. The group now had an extra member. Rick's PA and childhood friend, Meghna. Now, she was one smart woman. Her face had sharp features. It seemed as if she was constantly reading things around her. She had no power, yet she seemed powerful enough to read everything, plan things to get people out of trouble. "You should have seen her when she found out." Rick said that day, when Mikael asked how she reacted when she got to know, "She was at such a bad condition, having panic attacks, crying, blanking out..."

DIVINE CHAMPIONS 5: THE FROSTY FATESTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang