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They walked the gloomy field of the dead, when they stood in front of a different field. Rishi and Rick walked a little further, and then, Rishi said, "Yep. This is the right way."

"How do you know?" Ishaan asked.

"The last time we were here, we found souls who were busy, thinking that they are fulfilling their unfulfilled tasks in life. That is the place." 

"And that leads to Helvegr." Mikael said, "Isn't it?"

"Yes." Rick said, "But I do hope we get the help we got the last time, given for now, this is allied territory. I, sure as Hel, don't wanna travel through Helvegr."

"Why not?" Ishaan asked.

"You'll see soon enough." Rick said, in a morose tone, as if he didn't want to speak of that horror.

"But guys, what is our plan? We aren't wandering aimlessly across the Norse underworld, right?" Aitri asked.

"Honey, we always have a plan. You know that, right?" Rishi said, pressing a smile, "Our plan is to try to get inside Hel's palace, for all we know is that Balder and Hodr live inside. Yes, they do roam around, and chances are that when we try to get to the palace, we will be stopped, and those doing that are allies." Mikael paid attention, how Rishi used the word 'allies' and not 'friends'. Perhaps, 'friends' was too big a word for Hel, and her subjects. She was not trusted by anyone, for she was, just like death itself, mysterious. She was with them right now for it was her way of salvation. She had screwed up big time with the Crystals, and now, to save her kingdom, she would do anything.

And that was exactly what happened. As they crossed the next field and took towards Helvegr, they were stopped by a long white stick. "You don't wanna go there." A voice came from beside them. 

Mikael took one look at Helvegr, at decided he would never look. The road to Hel was a very painful one. Sinned people suffered eternal torment, with pain and sufferings that would last till their next birth. So, he turned towards the person who stopped them. Everyone was looking at him. Ishaan's face tried reading the man in front, without much luck. Rishi seemed to have figured who he was. Aitri was just following Rishi's gaze. Rick was in awe simply.

The figure in front of them was tall, lean and bald, with thick salt and pepper beard. Fair skinned, yet dulled by the years in death. His eyes didn't exactly catch the eye unless you look with care. He had dark grey eyes, his pupil was white. Like, bland white. The eyes had never seen the light of the world. His hands covered with tattoos. He wore a sleeveless T-shirt, black pants, held an ivory staff, and perhaps, looked at them. Hodr, god of darkness, stood as if he could see clear and proper. "Well, divine champions, what brings you here?" He asked, in a voice lighter than expected of his figure.

"They are lost." A voice of personified melody spoke behind them. Mikael and his friends turned to find a god whose sight was such that it impossible to take eyes off. Balder stood seven feet tall. His fair skin glowed even in death, as if even the ultimate end couldn't shake off his beauty. His amber eyes pierced through Mikael's mind, with a kind look. His dark brown shoulder length hair was left to fly. His short boxed beard was perfectly trimmed. He wore a green suit, with a little hole down the left side of the chest, along with dark green pants. He held nothing but an arrow. A one that had slayed him all those years ago. Made of the little harmless mistletoe. However, there was something odd about this Balder and the Balder that Mik had pictured all these years. The kindness was slightly reduced, and there was some hint of cold in those amber eyes.

Hodr looked around, stood beside Balder, who said, "I'm sorry, children. But we can't help."

"What?" They all replied in unison. Even Hodr did.

"Don't act so surprised, Brother. I want out of this dead place."

"After so many years?" Hodr asked, confused.

"Yes, after all these years." Balder said, "I'm past caring for people. I cared too much when I lived, and I'm done. I just want to get out."

"This isn't Balder." Mikael turned away. He couldn't believe what Hel had turned Balder into.

"Well, get used to it then." Balder said, the kindness in his eyes slowly vanishing away, "I've been damned to be pained everyday. Every single day, I feel this thing's pain in my chest, for there is one consequence to even the blessed souls in Hel. I hate it here now."

"Brother!" Hodr said, "If you don't help them, the whole world dies."

"And we are free." Balder said, "I want my freedom, Hodr. Don't you wanna go home? Don't you wanna see the gardens, the meadows, the beautiful luxury roads of Asgard? Don't you miss it?"

"You don't help them, nothing such is going to remain." Hodr said, "Help them, Brother. Be Balder of Asgard, not Balder of Helheim."

Balder turned away, "No. Enough has been enough. I can't linger here any longer. This place, over the millennia, has sucked the very essence of me, of what I represent, of what makes me a god loved by all. I'm scared, Hodr. I'm scared of what I'm becoming. I want to go home."

"What home are you talking about?" Rishi asked, "If I may, Lord Balder. Your home and your freedom are in inversely proportional to each other. Your freedom means your home is gone. What you call home?" He made a 'poof' gesture, "Gone. Everything destroyed. The gardens, the meadows, the beautiful divine luxury roads of Asgard? Decimated."

"We will remake it, then." Balder said.

"My Lord, Ragnarok is the end."

"Oh, is it what you've heard?" Balder said, "Tell him, Hodr. Tell him how Ragnarok is an end. They have no idea."

"They don't need an idea for now. All they need is a way to get to the Norns. And that with the help of the kindest god, the one they were surely confirmed would be on their side."

"I wanna see Mother, Hodr."

"So do I. But we can't, Brother. The cost is too high."

"I'm done caring."

"You think Father would be proud?"

"Father?" Balder threw the mistletoe dart in air, "Father, who killed you for being tricked to kill me?"

"It was a prophecy, Balder. It was not his fault. Not Vali's fault either. You know that."

"I know. I just don't know what to think. Helheim has messed my brain over these eons, and I have nothing left in me. I want out."

"That is very Greek of you, Brother. Not very Norse of you at all."

"Stop with your other-segmented reference."

"Then, help them. Help the kids, for they are trying to help their loved ones. They have their families too. Don't let their attempt go in vain."

"Ah!" Ishaan interrupted, "What is this other-segmented thing?"

"I'll tell you later." Hodr said, "Anyway, Balder?"

Balder's eyes were moist. He seemed to sob, but hid it okay. He put his head down, spread his hand out, bringing the mistletoe into his hand, and screamed. Along that, he stabbed the dart on the ice. He got up, and said, "Fine. I will help, and try to regain my older ways. I promise on my brother's sake." There was nothing but love for his brother in Balder's ever expressive face, "However, you need to prove to me that these quests mean something to you all."

"What do we need to do?"

"Helvegr is torturous, but it tempts too. Asks you to give up, tells you how death is an eternal peace, how Helheim can give you everything you loved and lost. All of you need to do is cross the road, and reach the other side safely. Then, we will guide you to Hvergelmir."

DIVINE CHAMPIONS 5: THE FROSTY FATESWhere stories live. Discover now