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The cart entered through a huge wooden gate, and ran through a stone road, before entering through another huge gate, into a massive hall. The gates were opened, as the champions were asked to come out. The hall was so big, that Rick exclaimed, "Gods, the reptile men are rich." To that, Rishi replied, "Look who's talking."

True that. Even a multimillionaire like Rick lost his brains at the beauty of the hall, and so did Mik. The ceiling was decorated with gold, and little gem works on it. Right in the center, a majestic chandelier hung, providing light to the hall, making the hall effulgent. Beautiful colour combinations were topped by wonderful gem works on the wall. The wooden gate looked a little shabby from the outside, but inside, it was as exquisite as the palaces in India. The floor was marbled, with designs that could mesmerize the best architect of Midgard. The architect among them, however, was enthralled. Such was the allure of the hall. In the center, there was a throne made of silver and jewels. On it, sat the King Linnorm. He looked at them, and with his raspy voice, said, "Welcome, welcome. Your fate awaits."

"To die or not to die?" Rick asked, "You know that we are the divine champions, right?"

"I do."

"Then why do you risk getting mauled by the gods?"

"The gods shall not harm us. They are promise-bounded, to protect Lin City. For its the ones to come that need the place intact. There would be nothing else for them to live by, except this city. For life and life's zest to remain, Lin City is the key, after all is lost."

"Poetic. Where's your bride?" Mikael asked.

"She's taking a surprising amount of time to dress up."

And just then, the majestic gates opened. And the one walked inside was unbelievably overdressed. She could barely walk, as she had put on a pile of dresses. The king got up, slithered towards Kira, and demanded, "What is this?"

"You promised to not judge me by my choice of clothes." Kira said, stiff on her ground.

"I don't, but you look hideous in so many clothes."

"I have put on the best one under these. When I show myself in that, you won't be able to resist."

"Show yourself in that, then."

"But your Majesty, matrimony must happen in equity. That's what we Incas believe. That is why, all our weddings are arranged by our families."

"Inca?" Rishi asked, "She's from a different culture?"

"She is." Rick said, before Mikael could say anything, "All the Vespasians are. Quechua speaking Incas."

"So, what equity do you set forth?" The King asked.

"If I pass your test, I get to be your bride. But, then, I set forth a challenge for you. You pass it, I gladly choose you as my groom."

"What trickery do you plan?"

"Plan? Oh, no no. I've got no plan. You see, I am from a different world. I've got no knowledge of the Norse world. Even Mikael there, I've only met him a day ago. I couldn't possibly know ways to kill a linnorm. And if I did," Kira's eyes flared from amidst those clothes, "you would've been dead already."

"Typical Mesoamerican mentality." Rick said. To that, Rishi nodded.

Mikael waited and watched, as Kira stood in front of the six people inside the room, after the handmaiden who brought her to the hall left. And then, the King did what was expected of a would be groom. He went ahead, and said, "Ladies first. I will prove myself as a worthy husband before you get your chance."

"Ah!" Kira said, "What a gentle-snake." Then, she took a step forward, with difficulty, given she was wearing seven layers of clothes. "I shall take off one dress. But to match me, you need to shed a skin, for that one dress I take off." Kira said, with finality.

DIVINE CHAMPIONS 5: THE FROSTY FATESWhere stories live. Discover now