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Berg bellowed, "I've hated all of you all my life. For the first time now that I am seeing you, I only know that I've been right all my life. What do you think you are? What gives you the right to control the lives of everyone?"

"We don't control anything." Verdandi screamed back, "We just do what is needed to be done. We decide when a person would be born, what major thing he would do..."

"He or she." Urd intervened.

"He or she." Verdandi corrected himself, and continued, "What major thing he or she would do, when they die, and how they die."

"And how do you decide that?" Berg challenged.

"We let my scale decide it." Skuld spoke for the first time.

"Wow!" Berg clapped, each clap sounding like a huge rock breaking, "You let a non living rod decide a person's life. That is just lovely."

For once, Berg's words made kind of sense. Maybe, maybe the scale was special. Maybe it could intercept the nature's wish itself. It was made by the nature itself, right? So, was Mikael on the wrong side? Was the Giant King making sense?

Mikael shook his own head to return to his senses. The Giant King may have been making sense, but to make a point by killing everyone, destroying his own self in the process? That didn't make sense. But Berg seemed determined. He was past reasoning. He said, in his same booming voice, "Know this then, you self proclaimed deities of fate, I don't agree with your ways. I will cheat whatever fate you have written for me, and will bring Ragnarok. Not Loki, but me. I will end this world. For now," He looked at the champions, "You live to fight another day. I'm done trying to weaken my opponents. It is time I take what I want." He walked backwards, still facing them, before disappearing into the mist behind the roots of Yggdrasil.

"He says a lot of things, yet he is working exactly as he is fated to." Verdandi said.

Saying so, the three sisters disappeared in thin air. 

"Did Berg just try to reason?" Mikael asked a visibly confused group.

"I don't think so." Aitri said, rubbing her head, "He just made his intentions clear, and signaled that the final showdown is near."

"That's actually good, I think." Rishi said, "This thing has dragged on for quite long."

"Whatever is gonna happen isn't gonna happen right now." Rick said, sighing, "What do you say we go home? Solve the little puzzle the oldies gave us?"

"I'm siding with Rick." Ishaan said, "I wanna see my Maa."

"Yep, let's go home." Rishi said, with a little tone of a familiar finality in his voice, "It's better to sit and discuss." Then, he turned towards the sky, and said, "I hope you are seeing this, Great god of Thunder. We have secured the prophecy, saved ourselves from the clutches of the Giant King, and are heading home. The future isn't certain, but we hope you can guide us through this as you have always done." He looked at everyone else, as Rick started his hand work again.

"It is very weird." Meghna sat pondering, chewing nachos out of the packet of Doritos, "A wolf be bound. What wolf?"

"There is only one, sadly, that is bound." Rishi said, with a sigh.

"No!" Maja put her hand on her head, "Why him? Why does it have to be him?"

"May I tell you?" The gigantic figure stood at the door of Rick's Jacuzzi room. Cloaked to the head, the blue electric eyes calmer than ever. At six feet tall, Thor walked inside the room as if some sort of relief had washed him from inside. He looked at his champion as if he was his own child. He cupped his hands around Rishi, and gave him a tight hug. Who would ever believe that Thor was a god and they all were mere humans. Not much of a debate why he was the true protector of mankind. It wasn't his duty, it was his passion.

DIVINE CHAMPIONS 5: THE FROSTY FATESWhere stories live. Discover now