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The step out seemed very intriguing, with the first areas of the pass being very bushy. Torn clothes and fast running meant that they were out of the bushy parts, and were on ground level. Now, the road ahead was full of flowering plants that covered even the sky. The way was thick enough for them to walk comfortably. And so, everything was fine. "Well, now, I would need to go back." The King said, "I would need to find a weapon to fight. Can't poison them anymore."

"Here." Rick said. Once again, the Nauthiz came out, and out came a bow and two quivers full of arrows. "Mean!" The King said, "I've always enjoyed archery." Saying that, he bid everyone farewell, and ran back. 

"So, we walk?" Aitri said, panting.

"Yeah, but still fast. Or we will die." Rick said, matter-of-factly. These three were so experienced, that they had turned possible death into a practical joke. The six walked on, as Kira was introduced to everyone else. She thanked Rick for his family's involvement in providing home for her family and friends. As they walked, Ishaan drifted apart from everyone as he was humming. Kira walked beside, while scratching a rock with her spear, which had been reduced to a little green stick Mikael, and said, "Ishaan sings really well."

"It is his fuel." Mikael said, "Music was his hobby before, now its what gives him most power. He knows that we might need his full power in the Norns' well, so he's humming. Channeling powers."

"Why is he walking away from everyone?"

"That's his thing. He wants to be left alone when he hums." At that moment, Mikael felt obligated to answer a question Kira had asked before. He slowed down a little, making Kira slow down, and allowing the other four to go ahead. Then, he said, "Kira, you asked me what Ishaan is to me?"

"I believe so."

"I like him. I have a crush on him."

"Oh, so you are..."

"Attracted to guys? Yes."

"Are you attracted to girls at all?"

"Why? Do you want me to be?"

"I don't know. Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to have you as a boyfriend."

"Huh!" Mikael pondered, wondering if he had just been asked out by a girl, "I have no idea. Gotta see this happen."

"Lets survive the war. After that, maybe, you can find out."

"You have my word."

The six reached Urdarbrunnr in about fifteen minutes. In front of them, about a hundred meters away, there was a huge well, so big that it would fit Rishi and Aitri's entire housing complex. The water here was clean. There was a channel built to the well, through which, a good amount of water went out of it. The champions and Kira followed the channel to see the roots of Yggdrasil again. And through the roots, three different ways opened to three different directions, before vanishing in Ginnungagap. The channel of water was watering Yggdrasil. Contrast to what was happening in Hvergelmir, here, the Yggdrasil received the strength it needed to bear the weight of the nine worlds. Around them, the plants from Lin City disappeared, as the roots of Yggdrasil took control of the place again. To the right of well was a burrow. It seemed to be made of wood, with a window and a door, which was open. The wood was coloured grey, making the whole burrow grey. The straw made roof was the colour of normal straw. And in front of the door, on the ground...

Three women, each at least seven feet tall. They wore white long cloak like dresses. They had long white hair, and wore golden hair bands. All three of them had wrinkled pale skin. They held something in each of their hands. However, their eyes were closed.

DIVINE CHAMPIONS 5: THE FROSTY FATESWhere stories live. Discover now