A day at the masion: the evening

16 2 2

Silver will be this
Nightmare will be this
Killer will be this
Horror will be this
Dust will be this
Cross will be this
Dream will be this

After the boys stopped crying, Nightmare took their knives away, not without earning a few contests. "Boss! C'mon! Why can't we keep 'em?" The king sighed "because last time I did, you almost stabbed Cross for calling you psycho." Dust looked at his boss with a bit of a puppy look "c'mon boss.. why can't I keep mine?" Nightmare sighed and looked at Silver, who was honestly amused by this, then he shook his head and looked back at the boys, placing his hand infront of them palm up. "Just give me the knives. No buts. No discussion. This is an order." The two sighed and gave him their knives. Killer crossed his arms as Dust started fidgeting with his scarf "you're no fun boss.." "yeah.." Silver sighed and placed a hand on her boyfriend's shoulder "maybe we could let them fight each others for training? We could use magic so they can't take the knives out of the training halls.." a shimmer of hope shined in the two skeletons eyes as the king nodded. "Alright. But now we should get going, today it is Killer's turn to help Horror with cooking." The three boys nodded and so Horror and Killer left to the kitchen. "Thank you." Dust said before going aswell.


Cross and Dream were still spending time together with their daughter when they heard Nightmare yell from downstairs "DINNER'S READY!!" The two got a bit startled, but they went downstairs. Lux wouldn't let go off Dream's arm so he was the one to carry her. As the little family got to the dining room, they saw that they had a nice meal ready. It was mostly meat, like usual when Killer's the one to help. The three sat down before Cross went to get some jam for his daughter, but was met with a little surprise in the kitchen. The counter and floor were covered in blood from the meat and so were the boys "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE!?!" The two just looked at him grinning. "We cooked dinner!" Killer said with a big smile, a bit too happy. "Yeah! We just cooked dinner!" The bigger one added. Cross was just shocked. "Then why is there BLOOD EVERYWHERE!?" The two murders looked at each others and shrugged "we don't know!" The two said simultaneously, causing them to burst out laughter. Cross just sighed and grabbed the jam with a spoon before leaving the murder scene.
Later during the dinner, everyone was having a nice time. Silver and Nightmare were sitting next to each others talking, Cross and Dream were taking turns feeding Lux her jam, Killer Dust and Horror were chatting and saying jokes at each others. Everything was going nicely, everyone was happy. After dinner they watched a movie and plaid a board game. The sun was setting down on the mansion and so everyone soon went to bed, with Dream and Lux going first soon followed by Cross. The murder squad sat downstairs talking for a while until it hit 9 pm. "Alright boys, time's up. Time to go to bed." The three tried to protest but with no avail as the queen stood up and said "You know the rules, curfew's at 9 pm. So it's time to go to bed. Goodnight boys, sleep well." With that she took their board game and went to her room. The three sighed but obeyed and went to their respective rooms. But then they heard Nightmare say, well yell "wait a sec.. DID YOU REALLY THINK I WOULD LET YOU SKIP SHOWER!? WELL NO! SO GO SHOWER. KILLER YOU'RE FIRST" "WHY ME!?" "YOU'RE COVERED IN BLOOD!" "ALRIGHT FINE. Ugh.." with that the skeleton went back down the stairs to go shower, with everyone laughing in their rooms. After Killer was Dust, the Horror followed by Cross, Dream who then bathed Lux, and then Nightmare went last. "You don't go shower love?" She looked up from her book "no I already took a shower earlier." The king nodded and left. Soon after everyone went back to bed.

It was the end of a normal day at this crazy mansion
It's finaly done! Three part story guys! Woo! So the first part was 556 words, the second part was 1122 words, and this part was 749 words. I hope you liked it! See ya guys!

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