Fly away

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Here's a little Blueberry x Dust story! Enjoy!

Blueberry will be this
Dust will be this

Dust was hanging out sitting on his bed looking through comics on his phone when Blue kicked the door down and ran to his side "WHAT THE- oh it's you.. hi Blue, could you stop kicki-" he was cut off by the exited skeleton looking at him eyes full of stars "come with me on an adventure! C'mon Dusty it'll be fun I promise!" Dust looked at him unsure if he should trust his boyfriend or not, since last time they went on an 'adventure' they went to an amusement park and Blue ate too much, which led to an indigestion and he threw up  after one of the rides. "I'm not sure Blue.. last time it didn't go so we-" again he was cut off by the exited little bean. "Awn but come on Dusty! Come and fly away with me! It'll be so much fun!" He was still skeptical as if he should or not, worried for his blueberry's safety and health "are you sure? Last time you had a tummy ache for a week.." as he looked into the smaller's eyes, he couldn't resist. He was looking at him with big blue star eyes, shimmering with happiness and excitement, as his expression darkened a little his smile fading "pwetty pwease..?" He couldn't resist when Blueberry gave him that pleading look, as he just gave up. He sighed and smiled softly placing a hand on Blue's cheek, who was slightly tearing up looking at the ground, and made him look at him softly rubbing Blue's cheek with him thumb "you know I can't resist a little adventure with you, my little love berry" Blueberry's eyes light up again and Dust pulled him into a loving kiss.

Blue kissed back and they staid there for about 10 seconds, kissing. Not making out or anything, just a gentle kiss full of love. They parted after another five seconds as Dust smiled at him softly "now c'mon, cheer up and go, I'll get ready and tell boss I'm going out. K my little berry?" His eyes shined with little stars before he blushed and pouted, crossing his arms on his chest and shutting his eyes. "I'm not little!" He said with so much conviction and confidence that it made Dust giggles silently "yeah sure. Now go so I can get ready and fix my door" Blue giggled and hugged him tight, before running out just as fast as he had came.

Dust sat there looking at the doorframe from where Blue had ran out, smiling. 'He's such a cutie..' he thought to himself as he shook his head and walked to the broken door, pulling out the toolbox he kept under his bed for when 'incidents' like this happened beginning to fix the door back in place.

After a few minutes, he got done and started getting ready, but then realized, "wait where are we even going?" He shook his head smiling "eheh.. little ol berry.. too excited to even tell me where he's bringing me.." he took his backpack and got ready for any eventuality: painkillers in case of indigestion, waterproof shorts and a towel in case of aquatic activities, spare clothing in case of a little 'incident', and some more things, like a knife, bandages, antipoison, some money, water bottles and a sandwich. He well knew anything could happen with his little love berry, and so got ready for anything. His bag being soaked with magic was still surprisingly light and small despite being packed full of things. He then walked to NM's office.

While Dust looked around for his boss or the queen, Blueberry was getting ready. He had made a mental list of the places he wanted to go at with Dust, and got himself ready. He knew EXACTLY where they'd go and what they'd do. Now all there was left to do was wait for his dusty to show up

After he found her, Dust had a little chat with the new queen Silver "where are you going, Dust?" He looked up at her, and said bluntly "Blueberry wants to take me on an adventure" "again? Eheh, alright. Stay safe you two, and be back before curfew." He sighed knowing well there was no way he would be back for 9 pm if he left now "c'mon Silv, 11 pm?" She looked at him a little annoyed "fine. 10 pm maximum. A minute late and you'll be the one making breakfast tomorrow." He nodded at her before walking off "Alright thanks Silver!" She smiled at him and went off to tell her boyfriend about Dust's little trip.

A few minutes later the two boys were together ready to go. "So where are we going?" "You'll see!" Blue said as he dragged Dust into a portal.

The two were now standing in a plain near a big cliff, with some birds flying in the distance. The view was breath taking, as Dust looked around amazed. "Blue.. this is amazing!" The little sans smiled proudly "I often come here to relax looking at the view" he sat on the edge of the cliff signaling Dust to sit next to him. The two sat there for a while before Blue started singing "Come and fly away with me, come and fly away with me" he walked a few steps away from the cliff bringing Dust with him holding his hand. Dust was confused as what was happening until suddenly Blue sang "Don't you be afraid, Everything will change. You and I, Jumping off the edge, They say dreamers never die, so come and fly, come and fly away with me!" Dust understood what was going on and before he could say anything Blue sprinted towards the edge and jumped off dragging cross with him.

Dust held his breath holding his eyes shut, ready for the worst. But a few seconds later the two were riding on a giant bird that flew up past the cliff's edge as Blue kept singing "We're rising! We're falling! We'll make it through! We're climbing! We're soaring, a thousands views.." the bird flew around for a while with both skeletons sitting on it's back. The views were amazing. They flew over a blooming meadow full of colorful flowers before reaching a beach. All this time Dust was holding onto Blue's waist, his arms wrapped around him as he looked at the views around them.

After a while the bird landed on a white sanded beach with emerald green waters. Blue jumped off the bird, again dragging Dust with him. The two changed in bathing suits, Dust wearing black shorts and Blue wearing Blue shorts with a white line along the side. They messed around in the water until they went to sit on the shore, Blue leaning on Dust's shoulder while he had his arm wrapped around the berry's shoulders, watching the sunset. Dust was the one to start to sing "Somewhere by the emerald sea.. where the moon and water meet.. Somewhere close to harmony, when the world is sound asleep.." the two sat there relaxing, watching the giant birds fly around while listening to the sound of the water splashing against the shore. "I still can't believe you made me jump off a cliff.." the little one giggled and said nuzzling into his chest "eheh.. yep.. but you can't say you didn't like it! You can't lie to the sensational sans! Mweh eh eh!" They both giggled and hugged each other "damn you're so adorable my little love berry.." they kept cuddling on the beach until Dust noticed the time "shit it's getting late.. welp.. I got to go, or Silver and Nightmare's gonna be pissed.. bye Blue, I love ya" he kissed his lover one last time before leaving to the castle.

Blue got back to the star sanses' base where he was greeted by an excited Ink and a smiling Dream "so how'd that date go!? Did he faint when you jumped off?? What happened! I want to know everything!" Blue giggled and pat his friend "calm down Ink! You're gonna- oops.." as he said that Ink vomited a bunch of black ink out of excitement. The three started giggling and talked about their activities of the day
Here ya go! I honestly enjoyed writing this! Hope ya like it too, I had this inspired from the video below and a comment that was left on it. See ya in the next one my lovely reader!

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