Goth meets Palette

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That's right! Get ready for some friendship making! Eheheh

Ink will be this
Reaper will be this
Goth will be this
Palette will be this
PaperJam will be this


Warning: a lot of wholesomeness ahead

It had been two years since Palette came into the abstract-crayon family's life, and they all got along with the little guy. Palette was quite the adventurous gentleman, two opposite things in one. Despite being so small he would insist on holding the door open to others, and would always greet people by bowing and kissing their hand. Now the little guy was five, they thought it would be time for him to meet Geno and Reaper.

Ink had everything ready, Error went to relax in outertale, PaperJam was watching over her step brother while Ink was on the phone with Reaper. "Paper! Give me my roller back!" The girl sighed "no Palette, last time you put paint everywhere and broke a tooth!" "But I was three paper! I'm five now! I'm old enough!" She looked at ink, who shook his head moving his hand infront his neck "mom said no, so it's no."  The little boy pouted and sat on the couch "you aren't fun PJ!" She sighed and giggled "love ya lil bro" and patted his head. "Alright! Geno can't come, but Reaper will bring Goth over!" Palette looked at the artist "who is Goth?" The artist smiled and gave him a lollipop "you'll meet her soon enough my lil roler" "mom! Stop calling me that!" "Eh eh get used it, he wont stop calling me jamy" the two kids started giggling infront of a confused Ink, then they heard a knock on the door

Reaper knocked and Ink answered "hiya Reaps!" The grim reaper nodded his head once "hi inky dear, I am sorry Geno couldn't make it" "I thought you said you would bring Goth over?" Reaper chuckled and moved to the side a bit, revealing a shy little girl about Palette's age who was wearing a oversized white cloak and a red scarf hiding behind him clinging onto his cloak "yup. She's right here, but she's a little shy. Say hi to uncle Ink, Goth" the little girl stepped forward a bit still clinging onto her father "h-hi.." the little girl was in fact really shy, she would speak very softly and she seemed the quiet type, and only her left eye had a pupil. Ink moved out of the way to left them in and Palette being the gentleman he is, rushed to the doorway to hold the door open and greet the guests. "Hi mister Reaper!" he said as he bowed, then he gently offered a hand to Goth, who slowly took it, then the little boy kissed her hand bowing "Hello there damsel" Goth blushed from embarrassment and squealed before hiding behind Reaper again, who chuckled "my my, such a gentleman you have here Inky" the artist chuckled as he closed the door, watching palette go back play with his older sister. "Yeah he probably got that from his dad, I think you know who it is, do you?" The god of death nodded as he went to sit down on the couch, still having his little child clinging onto his cloak "now come on Goth, don't be so shy, go have fun with them or go read, but you have to let go off my cloak" he said with a surprisingly calm and comforting tone for the literal god of death. The little girl whined silently as she let go off her dad and sat on the ground. She was visibly anxious, and so Palette decided to go greet her and attempt to make friends. He walked over and held his hand out once again as he adjusted his hat "hello there! I am Palette Roller! But you can call me Palette. What's your name?" He said excitedly, making the little girl giggle silently "H-hi, I'm Goth.." she said shyly, as the little boy's eye shined brightly filled with stars "Hello Goth! Welcome to my home! This is my sister PaperJam! She is 16!" He said pointing at the girl who was sketching "sup" she said with a move of hand. Goth looked at her but staid silent.

Ink and Reaper were sitting on the couch talking about how things were going, how was Geno doing, anything new about the truce, etc, while Palette was being his goofy self trying to make Goth more comfortable, which surprisingly worked. She still had her scarf over her face, only her eyes showing, but she wasn't as anxious and had moved a bit further from Reaper.

"So what do you like to do?" He said as he sat down infront of the girl. "I-I don't do m-much.. but I like re-reading" she said, fidgeting with her scarf. The little boy couldn't stop moving, his foot always in movement "well we could play a game!" Goth made a small noise, slightly interested but also confused. "L-like what..?" Palette got even more excited somehow "woah there Pal, calm down!" Ink said as he giggled to how energic his kid was, while Goth just sat there watching him do, secretly smiling under her scarf. "I'll go get the uno game! Stay right here Gothy, I will be quick" and he ran off to his bedroom which is upstairs, leaving a confused Goth behind. "Gothy..?" She muttered to herself "eh eh eh, seems that you two get along huh?" The little girl now remembered her father being there and hugged his leg." Eheh.. there there, we can go back home if you want" the little girl whined and shook her head "n-no I want t-to stay.." Reaper smiled and gently pat her back "alright, now can you let go off my leg?" She shook her head and held tighter "nuhun" he sighed "I promise I won't go anywhere, please let go." She whined but let him go, sitting on the ground her back against the couch

A few minutes later Palette slid down the staircase ramp with the game of uno in hand "PALETTE CAREFUL! how many times will we have to tell you, don't slide down the ramp!" The little boy giggled and ran to the carpet in the middle of the livingroom "alright! Let this gaaaaaame, begin!" He said after distributing the cards. The adults joined them in their game, even PaperJam did.

~~a few minutes later~~

"I shall not let this happen!" Yelled Ink as he slammed a reverse card on the ground "oh come on!! How could you!?" Protested PJ as she took her cards "Families does not exist in this game! Ahahahah!" Then Palette placed down a card "UNO!!!" Everyone looked at him, with a 'how could you' look, except Goth who was amused by this, smiling under her scarf.

~~a game of uno later~~

Everyone had fun, Goth had warmed up slightly towards her new friend, PJ was sketching in her corner, Ink and Reaper were talking. The two fire years old were talking, well mostly Palette talking and Goth listening politely. But then the time to go back home had come. "Dad..? C-can we stay..?" The little girl shyly asked her father while tugging on his cloak slightly "No sweetheart, we must go, it's getting late" Palette then had an idea "Mom! Can we have a sleepover!? She could stay with us tonight!" Ink had a moment of reflection "hmm.. well I dont see a problem in that, and Error won't be home for another day so.. What do you think?" The little girl was a but afraid but also slightly excited for it, as she looked up at her dad "c-can we..?" The reaper nodded, and the little girl squeaked happily "awww" everyone said as the little girl hid her face in her scarf, embarrassed. "But are you sure sweetie? I can't stay with you, I have to go for my job.." Goth seemed a little anxious again, as she had never slept in someone else's house, and never been separated from both her parents. Palette noticed and walked over, placing a hand on her shoulder "don't worry! I'll be here with you!" He then hugged her. She silently squealed the whole time. Then she looked at her father and nod decided. "Yes. I want to stay!" It took everyone by surprise, as it was the first time of the whole evening that she had raised her voice, and that she didn't studder. Reaper was glad to see that she had finaly warmed up and couldn't say no "eheh alright, I'll come get her tomorrow Ink" Palette tugged on his sleeve slightly "Don't worry mister Reaper! I will protect Goth for you!" The adults chuckled at how 'mature' the little guy was

Reaper said his goodbye and goodnight, as he hugged his daughter before leaving. Palette was excited for it, Goth nervous and PJ indifferent. This 'is gonna be a fun night!' Palette thought as he smiled at his new friend, who for the first time, returned him his smile

Here you go! I hope ya like it, and there will be a part three!
1555 words

See ya in the next one my lovely reader!

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