Palette's sleepover!

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Ink will be this
PaperJam will be this
Goth will be this
Palette will be this
Error will be this
Fresh will be this
Gradient will be this

(Gradient is 8 in this, since it's based off a roleplay. I know he is canonically the older one.)


It had been only a few minutes since Reaper left, and it was already getting out of hands. Palette was overly excited over having a sleepover for the first time of his life, Goth was very nervous sitting silently in her corner foundling with her scarf, PJ was excited as well as Ink allowed her to call Fresh over so he could join the party, and Ink was an excited mess. PaperJam helped the artist create mattresses on the floor for the sleepover, setting one for Goth, one for Fresh, one for PJ and one for Palette. Palette was all over the place running around excitedly as Goth watched him go smiling softly under her scarf. At some point Palette collected himself, slapped himself on the face "come on Palette! You got this!" Then he decidedly walked to Goth as if nothing happened and offered her a hand "come on Goth! Let me show you around!" "A-Are you o- WOAA" the poor girl was cut mid sentence as Palette pulled her on her feet and dragged her around showing her the kitchen, the bathroom, his parents room, PJ's room, Gradient's room and even the various closets and hiding spots in case of hide and seek. Goth let him do listening closely holding back her new friend's hand.

A few minutes later as Goth and Palette were hanging out in his room, the heard a portal open, followed by a loud sparkly 'POOF' and Ink's screaming of both excitement and fear(?) And surprise. Palette looked at Goth and giggled at the confusion on her face "don't worry! That's just Error and Fresh, mom often gets startled by Fresh's poof eh eh eh" the girl just nodded once and went back to what she was doing.

Downstairs it had already turned to utter chaos. Error came back with Gradient and went to kiss his 'wife' on the cheek while Grady went to his older sister, then about one minute later Fresh proofed in making sparkles everywhere and making ink scream on top of his lungs, Gradient giggling, error crashing, PJ laughing, sparkles everywhere, Fresh arrived.
"Wiggidy giggidy what's up my brahs!? Ya radical broseph from dah neibrohood Fresh's here!" Everyone looked at the new arrival, except for Error who was still rebooting and Gradient who almost crashed. "Fresh! Glad you made it bruh!" PaperJam said as she ran into his arms for a hug "Jammy! Long time no see mah radical gurl! Howz'it going?" And the two started a conversation as if nothing happened.

After Error finished rebooting he went upstairs to get the kids while Ink PJ and Fresh made dinner for everyone. As he walked in the room, he found the kid he raised alongside Ink playing with his niece, Goth, on the carpet. "Hi Goth. It's nice to see you here. Palette your mom wants you and your friend to get downstairs." The little boy nodded and stood up "okay Error! Come on Goth, let's go!" And he ran off, slid down The stair's ramp, get told off by his step father then went to sit on the carpet to continue playing. "Hi Grady!" The other one flinched a little. "Hi Palette..." Gradient was a shy one, he had a lot of Error's personality, he was shy, quiet, he had haphephobia (fear of being touched) and doesn't like to be bothered. He was drawing on his tablet sitting on the couch. "That's Gradient, one of my step brothers! Grady, meet Goth! My new best friend forever!" The little girl shyly waved, Gradient gave a nod. The two younger sat on the carpet and plaid together under Error's watch

Dinner came, everyone had a nice meal, then it was time to get ready to go to bed. Everyone took turns to go shower, Error went in with his 'wife', of course he wasn't gonna let that opportunity slip, as PJ and Fresh watched over the kids, who were in pajamas now. "Alright kids, it's bedtime soon. If there's anything you want to do before bedtime gotta do it before these two get out the shower. And Gradient, put that tablet away. You know the rule" the boy sighed and put his tablet on the desk, where PJ's sketchbook and art box was. "No drawing passed 7.. I know paper, I know...." "Palette it counts for you aswell. Put your roller and sketchbook on the desk" The little boy tried to repost, hugging his paint roller "but paper!" Fresh walked in and hugged PaperJam from behind setting his head on her shoulder "ya heard yo sister mah little dude, put that paint of yours on da desk mah radical little man" he sighed and set the roller on the desk with his sketchbook. Palette could talk back to his sister, but he would never disrespect an adult, and Fresh was 21, so he didn't have a choice but listen.

After about an hour the couple finally came back down the stairs. "Jeez what the [heck] took you so long!?" Both's faces flushed up with blush. "I... um..." "we went to relax in bed after our shower. That's it." The destroyer said bluntly. The youngers just shrugged it off and PJ sighed in disbelief, Fresh was still hugging her from behind with his head on her shoulder "woah brosky, ya been doin' some unrad sinfull activities up there aren't cha?" The glitch's face turned blue in blush. Ink just kissed his neck and smiled before going to set her sketchbook on the desk aswell. The artist and her daughter settled more mattresses and moved the couch. Now there was two big mattresses for PJ and Fresh, and three child sized mattresses for Palette Gradient and Goth. Each bed had it's blanket with a color. Goth's was purple, PJ's was pink yellow and cyan, Gradient's was navy blue with green gradients on the sides matching his hoodie, Palette's was cyan blue with yellow stars and Fresh's was magenta. The married couple started arguing as the kids laid in bed "Error you sleep on the couch" "What why!? What'd I do!?" "You're gonna watch over the kids, and you destroyed another au today!" "Ink but THAT'S LITERALLY MY JOB!" "STILL! I TOLD YOU NOT TO DELETE UNDERHAT SANS!!" "BUT HE WAS SO USELESS TO THIS MULTIVERSE!! THE ONLY DAMN DIFFERENCE IS THAT HE WORE A HAT!" "YOU'RE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH AND THAT'S FINAL!" "OKAY FINE" the glitch's voice slightly broke on that last one, as if he was hurt. He went to grab his blanket and pillow and settled on the couch grumbling. "Kids go to bed now. Paper you have up to 9. Sleep well" with that ink went upstairs to his and Error's room. "Goodnight Goth! Goodnight Gradie!" "Goodnight Palette.." "goodnight Pally.." the three children lays down next to each others, Palette's mattress in the middle.

The three younger quickly fell asleep. PJ and Fresh's mattresses were next to each others, and the two were silently discussing. Error didn't really care he was lost in his thoughts. "Hey, jam jam," "yeah Fresh..? Wassup..?" She spoke in a tired way. "Wanna cmhere n get sum radical cuddles mah gurl?" She smiles softly and scooted over, slipping under his blanket. He wrapped his arms around her ribcage and pulled her closer, holding her against his chest and whispered tenderly in her nonexistent ear "I love ya Jamy jam" they staid there cuddling for a while, but then pj turned around to face him. He blushed a bit but let her, his glasses saying 'huh?' "Why don't you take off your shades? I want to see your eyes.." he nodded and set the glasses aside. They looked into each other's eyes for a while until the young girl pulled him into a tender kiss. They both closed their eyes and held the kiss, until.. "urgh would you two keep it down!?" The two got startled and pushed away each others, pj returning to her mattress, both were a blushing mess facing away from the other "E-error you're awake!?" "well duh how the [funk] am I supposed to sleep with you two making out and my wife mad at me!?" They blushed even more "d-dad!! We weren't making out! We were just...just cuddling.." he glared down at them "PaperJam don't lie to me I saw you kiss him. I don't really care, but I know ink does. And he would definitely get mad at him if he knew you two kissed like that. So keep it down and let me sleep" with that he turned to face the couch's back leaving the two in a blushing mess. About five minutes later the young girl couldn't help it and scooted back into Fresh's arms

Around midnight, everyone was asleep. Everyone? No. Ink wasn't able to fall asleep. he whined trying to sleep but then sat up and headed downstairs. He saw Fresh holding PaperJam close to his chest, but it didn't bother him at that particular moment. Right now all he wanted was to find sleep in his husband's warm embrace. He made his way to the couch and removed the pillow from the glitch's arms, before sliding himself under the blanket and between his arms, taking the pillows place "hmmm.. Inky..? What're ya doing here...?" He sighed in annoyment "I couldn't fall asleep without you..." the glitch smiled softly letting out a silent 'aww' and held his wife closer to himself "it's okay you can sleep here with me if you want" and with these words they cuddled up on the couch and fell into slumber..

Woo! Finaly done! I'm sorry for the long wait guys, I was just busy with my new au Syntale. But I promise this book isn't getting discontinued anytime soon!
1685 words

See ya in the next one my readers!

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